Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,76

also know about little Marcus Sage. Teagan Harper. Caden Harper. I know where every one of the above persons are located at any given second. How do you ask? Because I have several good friends following them right now. I also have one following Chance and Norma and I know they are at the skating rink. Which is the lamest date I have ever heard of. I think Chance is confused about his sexuality.

All I have to do is sit and wait for the perfect moment. One moment when they have no idea. I’m going to let them settle in to a comfortable little lie. I’m going to wait until they don’t see it coming. They will be sitting there thinking they are safe and bam! I’ll come and take it all away.

I can’t wait to get my girl alone for punishment. I have the perfect place picked out. Neither one of them will see it coming. I also can’t wait for Chance to come looking for us…and find us. He’ll wish he never touched what is mine. They both will regret their relationship until their last dying breaths.

So yeah waiting will be hard, but it will be so worth it. My misery will be over and I won’t have to worry about what Norma Jean is up to. Something I don’t think I have ever gotten rid of. This worry and the need to know what she is doing.

The girl is a plague.

Chapter 16

5 weeks later


“I love you, smalls.” Chance whispers in my ear before kissing me on the lips softly but deeply. I sigh and roll over watching him walk out the door. What can I say? I hate to see him leave but I love to watch him walk away.

He wanted to stay here with me but he can’t afford to miss any more classes. At least that’s something I don’t have to worry about. I have never really liked school and college is killer. Though to save myself from more time with Creed, I threw myself into my studies. I don’t look forward to going back.

I doze off after Chance leaves and I dream of twisted red sheets and warm hands sliding over my body. Chance’s face appears over my mine and I smile in my dream. Even asleep I can’t get enough of him. I wonder if I ever will. God I hope not.

I hear the door slam and finally get out of bed. No need to stay in bed all day just because I have nothing else to do. There is a DVR downstairs with my name on it. I think I shall spend the day with Toby Cavanagh. My other love.

I slip on some comfortable pants and one of Chance’s shirts. It is of course way to big and falls down to my knees but I can’t bring myself to care. It smells like him and that is all that matters.

I pop some pop-tarts into the toaster and pull out a small plate to place them on. After they are done I make my way into the living room picking the remote up off the coffee table. I switch the TV on and scroll through the list of recorded shows finding Pretty Little Liars. I’m just getting into it when all hell breaks loose.

“Hello Norma Jean.” comes Creed’s rough voice. I scream like a little girl, my plate flying through the air.

I feel all the color drain out of my face. I stand up from the couch on shaky legs. I take in his blond hair which is styled like every other time I have seen him. His brown eyes are dull and lifeless like usual as well. The Creed I met at the beginning of college is no longer around. Oh how I wish he would come back and leave this sociopath behind. “How did you find me?” I whisper.

He chuckles coming around the couch to stand too close to me. “Chance thinks he is so smart.” He trails a finger down my cheek and I flinch. I’m used to being scared around Creed but this is different. I swear my life is flashing before my eyes. “Do you really not know me at all? I would find out where the ex-boyfriend of the girl I loved lived. I would know everything about him, Norma. I always knew one day you would run from me and end up here. It surprises me how little you and Chance know about me.” He goes Copyright 2016 - 2024