Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,77


I shake my head backing away from him. This can’t be happening right now. This isn’t real. I’m upstairs in Chance’s bed. Asleep, dreaming. That is where I have to be. “Why are you doing this?” I scream finding my panic and natural instincts. If I just distract him long enough someone will come home. “Why did you kill my Grammy?” I ask with venom.

He chuckles again taking another step towards me. “I didn’t kill her, Norma. The only people I want dead are you and Chance. She was dead long before I got there. I just set the fire so it wouldn’t be days before someone found her.” A lock my hair twists around his index finger making me cringe. “I did that for you.”

I smack his hand away from my hair backing up even more. “I don’t believe you. You killed her to get back at me for sleeping with Chance, in your bed.” I sneer at him. “Which in all honestly I didn’t even realize was your bed because I was so turned on by Chance I didn’t even notice.”

His hand flies out slapping me in the face. “Shut up you whore!” smack, smack, kick to my ribs. “Don’t talk about that! You are mine and I have no desire to hear about another man!” Punch to my head before he grabs my wrists pulling my head up to see his face. “I’m going to take you away from here. We are going somewhere special and before long Chance will join us. Then you can both die together. I shouldn’t ever have believed you could be faithful to me.”

My right eye is swollen and I think he cracked a rib but I look up at him with defiance. “You’re the one who fucked another girl. Chance and I have been nothing but faithful to whoever we have been with.” I spit blood out of my mouth down at his feet. If I’m going to die I might as well make it worth his while.

“Is that how you truly think, Norma Jean?” he smooth’s matted hair out of my face before going on. “You two could only ever think about each other. Even when you were with me, you couldn’t forget him. You wouldn’t let yourself love me, because you refused to let your love for him go. The same goes for him. So no Norma, you have been unfaithful the entire time we were together.”

“I loved you Creed. In the very beginning I loved you. Then you started hitting me and making me sell drugs, how could I love a man like that?” Something heavy hits me in the temple and I become unconscious.


I become aware very slowly. My right eye won’t open at all and the left one is blurry. My head is pounding, and I feel so confused. Shouldn’t I be at Chance’s curled up on the couch watching TV?

Then it hits me. Creed. Why does all the bad shit in my life end with Creed? Sometimes I wonder if I did something truly horrible to him in a past life and this is all some twisted revenge. Karma is a bitch after all. I hear she even comes after you long after the bad has happened. It seems I have no idea what the hell I did to deserve this.

“Good you’re awake. I want to have a chat before I call your lover out here.” He smirks, before pacing in front of me.

I take in my surroundings and nearly faint. I’m lying beside a cliff. A very deep cliff. I am seriously terrified of heights. I start to sit up and scoot away from said cliff but Creed places a booted foot on my shoulder. “Please.” I beg wanting far away from the damn bottom of that cliff.

“I forgot you are scared of heights. That is good then! Dying by something you truly fear, since you don’t truly fear me.” He walks back and forth waving his hands around like he is having a conversation. With himself. I guess he is really coo coo for cocoa puffs.

I also realize he has a gun in his left hand. I have no idea what kind or model or any of that shit. I just know that thing will blow a hole in me and hurt like hell. Maybe even kill me.

No thank you.

Creed hasn’t tied me up or anything which seems really dumb. Or maybe not. The only way I can truly go is down and Copyright 2016 - 2024