Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,75

fun of her every day for months, one who it took years to figure out the beauty of that girl.

I’ve known since I was five, what kind of wonderful she is. There was this dog who had gotten run over and I found her one afternoon sitting by it crying her eyes out. I never said anything to her but I watched as she sat with that dog until it took its last breath and then she buried it in a shallow grave in the woods. I couldn’t help thinking what a kind person she was.

So I watched her from that moment on. Yeah I should have stood up for her when Chance picked on her, but it’s like this. I was 12 and only worried about popularity. Chance was a big shot and if you didn’t follow him then you were nothing. At home I was nothing, I wasn’t about to become that at school too. Though I found it so courageous that she never did anything to him. Well not until high school graduation day. I was as surprised as Chance about what she had planned. Though I knew it was all a farce. She believed me that day when I told her Chance was cheating.

Which between you and I, is something that man would never do. I have to say that Chance is a completely different person than the one I blindly followed all those years ago.

That is why I was so pissed the day he asked her out. I wanted to be that. The one she said yes to. The one she is in love with now. So I did what I do best. I fucked it all up and I’m not sorry for that. I love everything that girl represents and I will until my last dying breath.

I know you’re reading this and rolling your eyes. I don’t care. Yeah I hit her, I made her have sex with me in public, and I even made her sell drugs. Oh she didn’t tell you that? Little tramp. I had her running drugs for me through her dorm. She wasn’t happy about it, don’t get me wrong, but I had to have something over her head. Something she couldn’t just leave me for. I don’t feel bad for that.

Though I feel bad for all the shit I put her through. I honestly guess I have my father’s blood running through my veins. I felt like I couldn’t trust anything that came out of her mouth because I knew she wasn’t in love with me. Not like she loved Chance. He was her entire world and I couldn’t get over my anger about it. I wanted to smash her face in and his. Chance doesn’t deserve the goodness that is Norma Jean.

And Chance doesn’t deserve to be breathing simply for the fact that he has touched what is mine. I won’t let that go so easily. He couldn’t truly hold on to her anyway. I mean I took her out from right under his nose, and I don’t feel bad about it at all.

Maybe I am a bad person and maybe she doesn’t deserve either of us, but I don’t care. I cheated on her yeah, but I couldn’t get over the fact that she didn’t want to have sex with me. I only let her go because they say if you set them free……. I had every hope she would return to me. But she didn’t. She went and fucked that asshole in my bed. That won’t go unpunished and both of them are lucky if I let them walk out of this alive.

To say I’m pissed is an understatement. I’m out for blood, but only their blood. No one else will get hurt in all this but those two. They think they are so clever. Well Chance does. Norma knows I can find her. She knows me better than anyone else. Which is also something I love about her. She gets me when no one else ever has.

Do you really think I wouldn’t know where my former best friend and Norma’s ex-boyfriend lived? Chance is honestly the dumbest person if he thinks that. Yeah I know all about little Declan Sage. Just like the rest of us, he has daddy issues. I think that’s why their little posse was formed. Not because they all have really fucked up love lives, but because they all have issues with their fathers. Chance more so than the others.

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