Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,41

buddies living there.

“What’s up?” I say into the phone settling back down on the bed.

“Well I have to know who in the hell you hooked up with. It sounded pretty hot on the phone.” Well that’s not Dec that’s Caden, our other roommate.

“What are you talking about?” Jesus I bet I butt dialed. Though that doesn’t explain why Caden is calling me from Dec’s phone.

“My phone died listening to you get it on. So I borrowed Dec’s phone. Pretty entertaining stuff right there. I honestly didn’t think you had it in you.” I hear music in the background but it is really muffled. He must have ditched the party to call me.

“I didn’t have what?” how much did he hear? Oh shit I bet he heard the very end before Norma left.

“To be that cold, man. You kind of give me a run for my money. Who was it?” I don’t know why he is asking, he knows good and damn well who it was.

“You know.” Is all I reply. I can’t think about this right now. “I have to go.”

“No you are going to stay on this phone and talk to me about it, asshole. You scream that girls name out in the middle of the night, so don’t tell me you ain’t fucked in the head right now.” Caden should really go into psychology. The guy is so insightful sometimes it is scary.

“We aren’t talking about me, unless you want to spill about Grace.” Caden has this “thing” with is twin brothers girlfriend. The rest of us have been trying to figure it out for months, but neither one will spill. The only reason any of us know anything is because Teagan walked in on them making out in his room. Everyone but Grace pretty much hates Jaden so no one told, but it’s still a huge mystery.

“Fair enough. You know I’m here dude. That’s why you fit with Dec and I. You have that crazy past with some girl you never want to talk about. Though Dec is the only one who fixed his. God they make me sick.” He makes a gagging noise and I feel my face smile. It’s true, not only are they loud when they are having sex, they kiss all the time. He calls her “beautiful” and “baby” all day long. If she is in the room his hands are somewhere on her person.

Then when they fight, it’s World War 3 in our house. Though I usually call Switzerland. Things get thrown and words are tossed around like grenades. For such a little thing, Teagan is feisty and full of fire.

“I know. I don’t want to think or talk about it right now.” I scrub my face with my hand and close my eyes. “I’m gonna go before I start telling you things you don’t need to know.”

“Alright. Though I sure as hell heard things I didn’t need to hear. Later.” The phone goes silent as I sit in the dark. The age old question is what the fuck did I do?


“Dude wake up!” someone is poking me in the face and I’m not very happy about it.

“Go the fuck away Dean.” I growl with my eyes still closed.

“No, you need to get up. Your mom is blowing up your phone. I don’t know how the fuck you can’t hear it, since its right next to your head.” And as if the thing could read minds, it starts ringing.

“Hello?” I growl into the receiver. This doesn’t bode well for me, since my mom doesn’t call twenty times in row.

“Are you still up in Arkadelphia?” she asks frantically.

“Yeah…what’s up? You sound upset.” I sit up and wave Dean out of the room, but of course he doesn’t listen.

“Okay good, good. I need you to come home. Something really bad has happened. Umm…” she chokes up and a chill runs down my spine. “Macy was kidnapped sometime last night. The cops are here and everything but I can’t calm your sister down and your dad is here making a scene. I just need you Chance.”

“I’ll be there in two hours mom. Just hold on till then. I’ll go as fast as I can.” My breathing is getting labored and I honestly think I might faint. Who the fuck would take Macy? This is the most fucked up shit I have ever heard.

“I know you haven’t talked to her in almost 4 years but I need you to get Norma Jean. She comes down every Copyright 2016 - 2024