Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,42

weekend and sees Macy so she might know something. I also know she would want to be here.” What the fuck. This could not be happening to me right now.

“Sure mom.” is all I say to her. She says she’ll text me the number and hangs up.

“What’s going on?” Dean asks me standing in the door way with his arm over Paige’s shoulders.

“Macy is missing.” Paige’s face goes pale and I see Dean squeeze her in closer. I keep thinking this can’t really be happening but I know it is. I have to get up and move but I realize I’m naked under this sheet and my female cousin is in the room.

“I have to call Norma and get her here so we can leave as soon as possible. And get out of here so I can pull on some clothes.” They nod their heads before leaving the room and shut the door.

I put the awkwardness of Norma out of my mind and think of who in the world could have taken Macy. Everyone loves that little girl, hell even my piece of shit dad acts like a saint around her. If anyone hurts one hair on her head I’ll fucking kill them. If I don’t kill the person anyway, for just taking her.

I can’t stop thinking about how scared she must be. Though I wonder if it is someone she knows. Seems she would put up a fight against someone she doesn’t, just like I told her. The girl is smart, so that has to be what it is. She just turned 4 and I just saw her, how can she be gone? God this is going to fuck with my head for the rest of my life. I have never been so fucking scared.

So I get up and go through the motions of getting decent to leave. I need to be on autopilot until I make it home. Ignore the fear and Norma or I just might lose it.

Chapter 9


When I woke up this morning I didn’t expect the bruises on my hips. It brings about things I don’t really want to remember. Though it has nothing to do with Chance, it stills scares me. I can’t and won’t go through that again. I just don’t have it in me.

“Where have you been Norma?” he asks me when I walk into his apartment. I flinch at the tone of his voice. I almost whimper when he rises off his bed and walks over to me. “And don’t lie. I’ll know you did.” His voice is menacing and not at all the man I thought he was.

“Out with Regina. She wanted to go dancing. I swear that’s where I was.” I cower away from him when he clenches his fists against his thighs. I’m praying for God to not let him hit me.

Those prayers go unanswered just like every time before.

His knuckles connect with my cheek and I fall to the floor with the force of the impact. He kicks me in my ribs shortly after and I bite my lip so I don’t cry out. Not that anyone would come to save me. No one cares what he does to me. Or they are more afraid of him then I am. “I told you not to lie to me bitch!” He screams down at me, kicking me again. “Where. The. Fuck. Were. You.”

“With…Regina…dancing. I swear…to God…call her.” I pant out. My side is burning from his kicks. I’m not lying. I really was out with Regina. Not that he would call her and ask. He’d just think she was lying as well.

“I don’t need to call that bitch. Slut would lie just like you. Who are you fucking? Tell me!” I’m shaking all over. I honestly don’t know what to do here. I’m telling the truth yet he refuses to believe me. I have never lied to him and I never would. I would probably be dead if I did.

“I’m…telling the…truth…I swear.” Tears are leaking out of both my eyes and I shut them hoping to stop the flow. He doesn’t like tears. He will hit me harder.

“She’s telling the truth. I saw her at bar with Regina. It was just the two of them dancing. No guys were around them. She didn’t even talk to anyone but Regina. Every guy in this town knows she is yours.” David is his right hand man. He has never agreed with the beating of women and tries to stop him Copyright 2016 - 2024