Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,8

sure, so it’s better to be safe than fuckin’ sorry. Get me?”


“Good. I’ll be in my own vehicle and I’ll follow you to pick her up, then to the restaurant. I don’t leave your side until you’re back here and done for the night. You do not fuckin’ mess around with the rules, because one day, it could cost you. More importantly, it could cost the club, and we won’t take a hit over an employee being fuckin’ stupid.”

“Got it.” I nodded.

“Right. It’s damn different having you in the MC and workin’ here, but we’ll get it sorted, so everything runs smoothly. When you’re not workin’ here, Country said you still have shifts manning the bar at the compound. Saint will have it worked out so they don’t clash. Trust Saint, trust your guard, and things’ll be goddamn grand.”

“Again, got it.”

He nodded as we got into the elevator, and he turned to me and stared.

“What?” I asked.

“You sure this is a job you want?”

I smiled. “I’ll be doin’ this for a few years and then be lookin’ at something else. Just want some good money behind me.”

“Fair enough, but, prospect, you understand a lot of the clients are lonely and aren’t that good-lookin’?”

I laughed. “Yeah, I expected. Still, everyone deserves some lovin’ no matter what they look like. Shit, if I could help them out and make their day a little better, then I’d be happy with that.”

He looked at me as if he’d only just seen me or met me. I was getting that a lot these days.

“You’re a good kid,” he said when we walked out of the elevator and into the underground garage.

I snorted. “Torch, how old are you?”


“I’m twenty-three. I’m not a kid.”

He chuckled. “You’re still a kid in my eyes, and shit, you look younger. Way younger. It’ll be good for business at least.” He stopped and turned to me. “Take out your keys to the car and press the button, so you know which one it is. I’ll follow at a distance. Good luck, prospect.”

“Thanks, Torch.” I nodded, and he walked off to his car while I pulled the keys free and went to the vehicle.

As I slid into the seat, I read the address off the sheet. I knew the area, so I’d be able to find it easy enough. Then I checked her name again. “Fiona Martin.” I’d have to ask her how she wished to be addressed. I put the sheet in the glove box and started the car. I caught Torch following me out of the underground garage and onto the street.

Most would think this whole gig would be something to get nervous about. Maybe I would have been if it was a real date, but I reminded myself enough that this was business, and it seemed to be sticking. Though, I’d wait and see if I was still this calm when I pulled up out front of the client’s house.

Thinking of a house put my mind on where I lived. Boom and Wendy took me in when I was fourteen. They were more my parents than my real ones had been. It was hard to tell them my decision. I worried more about Wendy than Boom because she was the sensitive type, but we’d sworn to always tell each other the truth. Which was also how they knew I was bisexual. However, when the time came, just before the interview, I’d sat them down and explained my reasons for it.

“You know you don’t have to do this. We’ll help with your future,” Wendy had said.

I smiled softly at her. “I know, Wendy, but I want to do this for myself. And if I get the job, I’d also like to pay more rent.”

“Boy,” Boom boomed—it was how he got his club name; there was nothing quiet about him. “You do what you feel you gotta do, but you’d better wrap it before you tap anything.”

He’d said just about the same when I’d told him I was bisexual. God, I loved them. They were the best, and I wanted to give back to them as much as they gave. Boom was nearing sixty, and I was hoping with the extra cash coming in from me, he’d slow down a bit. It was doubtful, as he liked to keep busy, but he’d also promised Wendy a trip away soon, and the money I contributed could make it happen sooner.

I stopped the car out front of a two-story, modern brick home that Copyright 2016 - 2024