Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,7

can happen.”

“Got it, but who the fuck is Kylo?”

I rolled my eyes. “The prospect.” Kylo didn’t have a club name until he graduated to a full member. Until then, we only knew him as the prospect, like the other few wanting to be a part of the club.

“Which one?” he asked.

I sighed and heard Death say something in the background. Torch made a noise. “Right, the one who’s your brother’s friend.”

“Yeah, him.”

The one who sucked my dick like no one had before.

“What room is he in?” Torch asked.

“Room 405, and tell Death that West is in 203, but he won’t be there long. He’ll need to move his ass to get there.”

“On it. Recon later,” Torch said and then hung up.

“Fuck,” I clipped, after I dropped the phone to my desk. I scrubbed a hand over my face and slouched. I’d lied to West and Kylo. Out of the other men we’d hired, only one had experience. The other five hadn’t. However, since Kylo and West were my brother’s friends, I would hold them off as long as I could before moving them into the other position.

At least, that was what I was telling myself about Kylo anyway.

Chapter Three


As I got dressed in a suit and tie, I tried to calm my jitters. At least things with Lucas were properly sorted; it would be good to have him back in my life since I didn’t need to dodge him anymore. Only that thought drifted from my mind because my nerves were taking control. I couldn’t help but think things would have been fine if I hadn’t seen Saint. I wouldn’t be a jumble of goddamn nerves and feel like I would vomit any second. But I was feeling anxious—not over the job I was about to do. I could woo a woman of any age—my skills were just that on point—but fucking hell, seeing Saint messed with me. There was no doubt he’d be on my mind for the night, and not my job.

Shit, I just had to switch my mind off and stop thinking about him.

About his dick.

About how he tasted, felt, and sounded when I took him in my mouth.


Yeah, not thinking about him wasn’t working too well. It hadn’t been ever since it happened. I’d lost count of the times I’d jacked off to the memory, and of course, my mind added some other images to the pictures playing in my head.

But I couldn’t think of it now. I was already hard, and I needed my dick to go down, or the client could get a different message. It was weird that I wasn’t nervous about meeting this woman. Yet, I’d been close to having a heart attack when I’d knocked on Saint’s office door.

Shaking my head, I grabbed the keys from the bedside table and pocketed them along with the one to the room. I took the jacket from the bed and hooked it over my arm as I made my way to the door. Opening it, I jumped and yelled, “Fuck!” when I saw Torch standing on the other side.

He smirked and lifted his chin in greeting along with “Hey.”

“What’s up?” I asked.

His hand shot out. “Clip this to your suit. It’s an alarm. Hit it if something happens and I’ll be in to help get you out.”

When I didn’t take it, he looked up. “What?”

“Seriously?” I had no clue this was how the club worked, and I didn’t understand why. “Employees actually need this and the security?”

“Fuck yeah.” He reached out and clipped the little pin to the suit. He then turned and started down the hall. He glanced back and said, “Get movin’, prospect, and I’ll explain things on the way down to the car.”

I did, quickly shutting and locking the door behind me. It looked like the room was meant to be mine since the key had been in it when I arrived, so I pocketed it now and raced after Torch.

“We learned early on that the security for Polished had to be top. We got taught that after a bad fuckin’ mistake where a woman of ours was assaulted. The guy who’d done it paid. Now we make sure it never happens again. The girls have alarms in their rooms and when they’re out of the club, they take alarms that’ll ring to the guard appointed to them for the night. I’m it for you tonight. It might be a harmless date with an older woman, but we can never be Copyright 2016 - 2024