Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,6

of him and protect him.

Wait… what the fuck? No, I didn’t. I shook my head at the ridiculous thought.

Still, I felt bad for him, and what he’d said made a lot of sense.

“Kylo,” Lucas whispered. I ground my teeth together, not understanding the feeling from hearing my brother say Kylo’s name like that. Lucas stood and made his way across the room to Kylo, who he pulled into a hug. I stretched my neck side to side, suddenly feeling tense.

“You never have to justify yourself to anyone. Be who you want, do what you want, and you’ll always have my friendship.”

“Mine too,” West added.

Kylo put his arms around Lucas’s shoulders since my brother took after our mom, who was damn short. My gut clenched, and I put it down to hunger.

I clapped my hands. Immediately, they startled and moved apart, all of them looking at me. “Now we know it’s all good, can I get down to business?”

“Right,” Lucas started. “Yes, of course. Anyway, Wade will be waiting for me. I better go.”

I shook my head. It was yet another strange thing, hearing my brother call Wreck by his real name. We’d been brothers of the Dimond MC for years and I’d never used his real name.

“Talk soon,” Lucas called as he slipped out the door and closed it after himself.

“West, here’s your information about tonight. You’ll have clothes set out in room 203, and you’ll be expected at the Bell Apartments by seven.”

“Okay.” He nodded, coming forward to grab the sheet of paper. “All right, I can do this…. It is just dinner?”

I gave him a smile. “Yeah, man. Just dinner and your company, which you’ll be paid well for. Until you get used to it.”

“Cool,” he said, and as he walked to the door, he said to Kylo, “Good luck tonight.”

“You too, West.” Kylo gently punched him in the arm before West walked out. Kylo looked back at me. “What you got for me, boss?”

Was it the lighting in here, or were his cheeks a little redder?

I grabbed his piece of paper and held it out. He walked closer, took it, and read the information.

“A woman named Fiona in her fifties, looking for some company while out to dinner.” He flipped it over and then lifted his head. “That’s it?”

“Yep. Just take her out to dinner and woo her.”

“Nothing after it?”



“Your clothes are in room 405. There you’ll also find keys to a Chrysler. You’ll pick her up at the address provided by 8:00 p.m. She likes late dinners. I’ve booked you in fifteen minutes after pick-up at Le Cirque. Be on your best behavior.”

His jaw clenched. “You didn’t say that to West when he left.”

“What?” I asked, leaning forward to rest my elbows on the desk.

“Be on your best behavior.” He must have registered that he sounded like a teenager because he quickly added, “Forget it.”

“Kylo,” I called when he started for the door. He turned back. “You and West are the least experienced in selling your body. I have others who have done it for years to pick up those clients… for now. You’ll be watched like all employees are when they leave our premises. If I hear good things about the way you work with the client, then you’ll be put into a different position. Until then, you and West will be having the same details each time.”

He nodded and faced the door again.

“Kylo,” I called, and I wasn’t sure why I did it. When he looked over his shoulder, I added, “You understand my choice?”

“Yes, boss.”

“Good, then you can go.”

He did and the room quieted when he closed the door after himself. I knew outside that door people were working their asses off by either taking clients to their rooms or off getting ready for one. The other co-owners had wanted their office far away from the action, which was why they picked the top floor, but I wanted mine right in the mix of things. It was soundproof when the door was closed, but as soon as it opened, I heard it all. I also liked not being far from the front entrance in case there was a problem. Yeah, we had other brothers who took care of the security details, but I was always willing to help out when things got difficult.

I picked up my phone and pressed in a contact. “Saint,” Torch answered.

“You’ve got Kylo tonight, and tell Death he’s on West. Both are dates only, but you never know what Copyright 2016 - 2024