Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,5

out on dates where a man is looking for company, not sex. Yet.”

Lucas nodded. “Okay, that’s good, and I’m sure the men will love you because you’re handsome.”

“Can I tell Wreck you said that?” I asked. Lucas glared and I chuckled. Wreck was damn protective of Lucas. He didn’t like anyone looking at him or talking to him if he thought they wanted a piece of him. He also wasn’t a fan of Lucas saying shit like that. I just thought it was hilarious and often teased them about it.

“He’ll know I didn’t mean anything by it,” Lucas said.

I raised a brow.

“He will,” Lucas stated. I grinned. “Oh, shut up, you.” Lucas looked back to West. “I’m upset with you.”

“Because I didn’t tell you what’s going on and now this?”


“I know. I’d be pissed as well if it was you. I just didn’t want to spoil what was happening between you and Wreck. I didn’t want to be a downer.”

“Stop it. No matter when or where, you can come to me. I’m always here for you.” Lucas suddenly sat straighter. Crap, he’d had an idea and I wasn’t sure it would be good for Wreck in the end. “I know. You should come live with Wreck and me for a little while when we move into the new place in about a month.” Lucas could see West was about to say no, so he went on. “It’ll be cheaper than where you are now and closer to the college. The house is huge.” He waved his hand out and around him. “We won’t be in each other’s way at all.”

Nope, Wreck would hate this idea, but knowing the punk-ass, he’d give in for Lucas.

“Lucas, thank you for the offer, but—”

“Don’t say no yet. Think about it. Come by tomorrow night for dinner and we’ll talk some more. Please?” As soon as he pouted and I saw West thawing, I knew West would agree.

“Fine.” He sighed. “But can we make it Sunday night?”

“Deal.” Lucas grinned.

Another knock sounded, and my goddamn heart gave a hard thump.

“Enter,” I said.

I already knew who it was, and fuck me, I wasn’t ready to see him and his lips, or mouth, or tongue.

The door swung open and Kylo stepped through. His smile was hesitant before it vanished when he saw Lucas sitting in the chair. He glanced at me and scowled, as if it was my fault he’d been dodging my brother and that Lucas had to resort to showing up here just to have a word with him.

I rolled my eyes so I could get a quick look at his junk to see if he was hard. He was. It had my mind jumping straight to wondering if he was hard because he had to come in here to see me. Had he been thinking of sucking me? I’d noticed he was hard after he’d proved he could make a guy come in minutes. He’d enjoyed it, and my body appealed to him. And when I stretched after receiving head, his gaze had run over me and stopped on my dick. At that moment, he’d looked at it like he wanted more.

Shit. I quickly sat back down to hide the fact my dick thought it was preening time. It started thickening, listening in on my thoughts.

“What are you doin’ here, Lucas?” Kylo asked from the still-open doorway.

“Close the door,” I ordered.

His jaw clenched, and he didn’t look at me, but he did as I asked. Kylo glanced at West, then Lucas again.

“So you know he’s workin’ here as well?”

“I do.” Lucas nodded. “Now, I want to know why you’ve been hiding from me.”

“Because I couldn’t stand it if you didn’t accept this. It’d make me feel like the shittiest person. You won’t understand my reasonin’. You have great parents, and you know I didn’t. Drugs were their life.” He laughed without humor. “There were days they had no money for food and I had to go without. When they didn’t pay the power bills, I went without light in that hovel of a place. When they didn’t pay the gas, there was no hot water. I never had a lot until Boom took me in. I don’t ever want to feel that again in my life, so I’m making sure I’ll have money to set me up. This is a fuckin’ good payin’ job.”

Kylo looked away from my brother. He seemed disappointed, not by Lucas, but in himself, and I wanted to stand in front Copyright 2016 - 2024