Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,9

shouted money. Before nerves even had the chance to surface, I shut the car down and climbed out. I stopped at the gate out front and glanced at the brick fence where there was an intercom.

Pressing the button, I waited.


“Hi, this is…” Shit, fuck, shit, was I supposed to use my real name? I couldn’t remember what the paper said. “Sorry, this is Jack Dell. I’m here to pick up Fiona Martin for dinner.” Hell, I would have to remember the name I used so I could use it if she asked for me again. I repeated it over and over in my mind.

“Yes, I’m Fiona Martin. I’ll be out in a moment. Thank you.”

“Great, see you soon.” I wasn’t a dick. I didn’t go back and wait in the car. Instead, I stayed where I was to escort her there.

The front door opened, and Fiona stepped out. She was dressed in an elegant yet simple black dress with a shawl wrapped around her shoulders and a purse hanging off her arm. As she grew closer, I saw her hair was brown with a few strands of gray peeking through. She was short and plus size, but beautiful.

“Jack, it’s lovely to meet you,” she greeted at the gate as she unlocked it.

I helped her open it with a smile. “Likewise, Fiona. I’m looking forward to dinner. I haven’t had a chance to go there yet.”

Her nervous smile brightened. “Oh, it’s beautiful.”

“I know I’ll enjoy it then.” I took her hand after she relocked her gate and tucked it into my elbow. I led her to the car and opened her door, but before she got in, I asked, “May I ask what you would prefer I call you?”

She blushed. “Well, you are very young, maybe Mrs. Martin. But then again, it would probably make me feel like I’m speaking to a student. Really, Fiona will be fine.”

I grinned. “Anything, Fiona.”

“Thank you, Jack.”

The drive went smoothly. We chatted every now and then, and it didn’t feel uncomfortable. Although, I could sense she was a little hesitant to open up, so I kept it to mundane questions.

Pulling up in front of the restaurant where the valet was, I quickly got out and made my way around the car. I chucked the keys to the guy who’d helped Fiona out of the car and then tucked Fiona’s hand back into the crook of my arm. However, she gently pulled it back out. I wasn’t sure why, but I didn’t let my confusion show. Instead, I placed my hand at the small of her back and guided her in.

Once we were seated and the waitress had taken our drink order, Fiona leaned in and said, “I’m sorry about before. I thought it would look strange if we walked in with me on your arm.”

I tilted my head to the side, still confused. “Why?”

Her eyes widened. “Jack, you’re young and very handsome. People will wonder what you’re doing with someone like me. I… I’m not comfortable having people’s judgment. If it seems innocent, like you’re my son taking his mother out, then I’ll be okay with that.”

I played with the stem of the empty wineglass on the table. “Fiona, may I ask why you want company with someone young? You could have asked for any age, but you didn’t.”

She looked around us, her cheeks heating once more. “Because… well, you see….” She stilled as she glanced over my shoulder. I took a quick look to see a man around Fiona’s age with a woman much younger. One who didn’t even look twenty-one. Yet, apparently, I didn’t look much older either.

However, now I understood what this was about. “Is he your ex?” I asked.

Tears welled and she nodded, looking away from her ex quickly. I wanted to get up and stalk over there to punch the fucker in the face. “Fiona,” I said gently and reached out to take her hand in mine. She looked up at me. “I hope you’ll believe what I say next, because I promise I’m not saying it considering our agreement.” She nodded. I ran my thumb over her hand, back and forth. I smiled. “A lot of men are fools. They don’t know when they have something good until they let it go, but even then, sometimes they still don’t understand just what they’ve lost. They’ll chase what they think they want for the rest of their lives, and it won’t be until the end they realize they had the Copyright 2016 - 2024