Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,35

to take it back, I was up on the couch and pulling Kylo into my lap with a yelp before I tugged him close and claimed his mouth with mine.

Chapter Eleven


There was a tiny fucking unicorn frolicking in my gut when I walked into work that night. It galloped around and caused my pulse to race from my heart jumping, knowing I was about to see Zion.

The day had blown my damn mind wide open, only to get stuffed full of everything Zion. His hands, his legs, his face, his body… all of him was cemented in my mind. I had to give myself a pat on the back, though, because, even though I’d been about to shit myself after Zion asked me to shower with him, I still managed to get undressed and in the bathroom without fainting from lack of oxygen.

I’d showered with Zion.

We’d been damn naked again in a room with a light on. Christ, he was hot. It was no wonder my dick hadn’t gone down that morning with what happened in the shower… seriously hot. He’d handled my body like a professional. Like he’d been with a guy a million times over and knew what to do and say to get us off.

Of course, it had freaked me the fuck out.

My goddamn feelings were coming out to play, and they wanted to keep Zion, for him to belong to them. I’d been ready to bolt, to get the fuck out of there and hide for the rest of my life.

However, I knew if I pussied out, I would regret it, which was how we ended up on the couch together, talking, watching a movie, and then kissing like we were teenagers.

It’d been fucking brilliant.

“Hi, Jack,” Monique, the front desk girl, said with a wink. She knew my name wasn’t Jack, but we used our fake names in case any of our clients were present.

“Hey, Danni. How you doin’, beautiful?”

“Good.” She smiled. “Hope you have a great night.”

I did too. I sent her a two-finger wave and headed for Zion’s office door. I knocked, but before I got a response on the other side, I opened the door and stopped still.

The unicorn disappeared from my gut and was replaced with lead.

A woman was on her knees in front of Zion’s desk, and beside her was a man standing with a gun pointed at Zion.

“Kylo, leave,” Zion growled.

The gun aimed my way. “Get the fuck in here.”

“No!” Zion snarled. “This is between us. He goes.”

The guy still had the gun aimed my way, but he glanced back to Zion and then smiled. “I don’t think so. I seem to have all the power here. Things go my way.” With his free hand, he grabbed the hair of the woman and drew her head back harshly. She let out a cry. It was then I saw her face for the first time.

Heaven. A quiet and shy woman who worked here. I hadn’t seen much of her, but every time I did see her in passing, she looked away from me, which told me how shy she was.

Fuck. Had she brought this problem in, or did it follow her because of her looks?

I stepped into the room and closed the door. Zion’s jaw clenched. He didn’t want me in here, but what did he expect? That I’d run for safety when he was in here on his own? It wasn’t happening. I couldn’t leave him to deal with this fucker.

No matter what this was about, I would have his back.

Leaning against the door, I asked, “What’s goin’ on?”

“Get over here. Stand next to Saint.”

He still had a grip on Heaven’s hair, so I listened and walked over to lean back against the wall to the side of Zion’s office chair, where he sat.

“What do you want, Steve?” Zion demanded in a cold tone.

“More money,” he stated and gave Heaven another shake, causing her to whimper.

“What do you mean?” Zion asked.

“I know she makes more than she’s bringin’ home. She said you guys keep it. I want what’s owed.”

Anger filled me. I straightened, my hands at my sides fisted. His gaze swung to me when I said harshly, “You mean to say you’re her dad, and she’s workin’ here because you want her money?”

“Kylo,” Zion warned.

I ignored it and snarled, “Well?”

Zion turned enough to look up at me, but I didn’t take my eyes away from goddamn Steve.

He laughed. “What’s it to you?”

“You see, I got a problem with parents Copyright 2016 - 2024