Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,36

making their kids do shit they don’t want to do.”

He waved the gun around. “Seems like I got the upper hand here. I don’t need to say shit.”

“He’s my boyfriend,” Heaven whispered. Steve dropped his hold on her hair to backhand her. She cried out and dropped to the floor. I took a step their way until Zion’s hand shot out, stopping me. I ground my teeth together as fury slammed into me. Why the fuck was Zion allowing this shit to go on? This place was locked down like Fort Knox. How did this motherfucker get through in the first place?

And seriously, Heaven could do so much better than this fucker.

“Touch her again, and you’ll pay in more blood than you already owe us,” Zion snarled.

Steve threw his head back and laughed. “That right? I don’t see anyone running to the rescue. I fucking own this situation. I know you got a safe in here. Open it, give me the money owed, and I’ll be on my damn way.” He waved the gun between Zion and me.

“Just fuckin’ relax,” Zion barked.

Steve kept his gun on Zion and I didn’t like it at all. My feet twitched to move in front of him and my hands clenched to stop from grabbing Zion and pulling him behind me.

Christ, if anything happened…. I couldn’t even think of it.

“Move,” Steve yelled.

“You keep yellin’, you’ll alert people.”

Steve tapped his forehead with the tip of the gun and then moved it back to Zion when he said, “See, I don’t think you’re takin’ me serious.”

The gun fired. I dove for Zion and took him to the ground, while cursing over and over, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Then chaos erupted.

Doors opened. Heaven screamed. Steve yelled. Another shot fired before Death took him to the ground, and a heap of other brothers surrounded them to help.

“Zion, fuck. Zion?” I leaned back and saw crimson on his arm. “He shot you,” I whispered as I moved my gaze from his arm to his eyes.

Eyes that held humor.

What the fuck?

I ground my teeth together and snarled. “The cunt fuckin’ shot you. Made you bleed.” In the next second, I was on my feet. As I strode over, while Death stood with Steve, I spotted his gun on the ground. I picked it up, aimed, and the shot rang out around the room. Curses erupted, Steve cried out and hopped on one foot since the other one had a fucking hole in it.

I moved and got in his face. “You fuckin’ think you can come in here and shoot him? Think again, you motherfuckin’ cunt.” I jabbed my fist into his stomach. He bent forward as much as Death would allow him.

Turning, I handed the gun off to Tech and went back over to Zion, where he was leaning against the wall, his good arm cradling the other. I didn’t register how quiet the room had gone, until Death started barking orders.

The last part I heard, “—get Lucas here to stitch up his brother. We’ll take care of this fucker ourselves.”

I kneeled before Zion and glared at his smile. “You like me,” he muttered.

“Fuck off.”

He chuckled, wincing when it pulled at his arm. “You do. Like a lot.”

“Shut it,” I ordered, then glanced away from his dancing eyes. How could he be so calm about being shot? My gaze landed on Tech, helping Heaven to her feet as she sobbed. He led her out the room, and I saw Death had handed Steve off to someone else as the prick wasn’t in sight and Death was. The brother was looking down at Zion and me while he spoke with Quake.

“We had it under control,” Zion said, and I swung my narrowed gaze his way.

“Under control?” I clipped. “How the fuck was it under control? You got shot, that fucker manhandled Heaven, and he walked in here in the damn first place with a fuckin’ gun.”

He smirked. If he wasn’t injured, I would punch the dick. “As soon as the fucker entered, we were on him. I told Death I wanted to play it out. Death was in the bathroom over there with Quake and Tech, but you might not have seen them storm in since you were all over me.”

I opened my mouth, snapped it closed, and growled under my breath. Zion snorted, then winced. He reached out and ran a hand over my thigh. “Relax. I’m okay. Things worked out.”

I clenched my jaw and then bit out, “If they worked out, Copyright 2016 - 2024