Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,34

then laid down on the couch with my head resting on his thigh. To start with, he’d tensed, but when I rolled to see the TV, he relaxed and went back to searching through the movies.

“Can’t go wrong with this. It’s a classic, but good one, right?”

“Fuck yeah. Bruce Willis kicks ass in Die Hard. You’ll have to come back to watch the rest of them with me now we’re startin’ this one.”

There was a beat of silence and then came softly “Yeah.”

My damn smile was big.

It wasn’t until halfway through that I felt a tentative hand slide to my hair, and Kylo brushed his fingers over my scalp, gently scratching. Hell, if I were a cat, I’d be purring.

A little after that, I was completely relaxed and lazily asked, “Favorite color?”

Kylo snorted, his fingers stilling for a second before he kept going. “Are you seriously askin’ this shit?”

“Yep,” I said, popping the p at the end.

“All right, I think.”

I nudged his knee with my hand. “Come on, play along. It’s get-to-know-you time.”

He sighed. “Fine. I don’t really have a favorite color.”

Groaning, I said, “Everyone has one. Mine’s dark blue. Yours?”


Rolling my eyes, I dropped that question. “Okay then, what’s your favorite flavored ice cream?”

“Chocolate.” I nudged him again. He sighed, then asked, “You?”

“Vanilla. What type of music do you like?”

I felt him shrug. “A bit of everything besides opera.”

I laughed. “Well, there goes my idea of taking you to a show.”

He chuckled. “Can you imagine? Us walkin’ into the theater together… everyone would think we’re in the wrong place.”

“I think it’d be kinda cute. We could both dress up and fall asleep durin’ it.” I grinned when he chuckled again. “Did you like sleepin’ beside me last night?” I threw in.

He stilled, even his fingers, but then they started back up before he whispered, “Yes.”

“What year did you go up to in school?” I asked to help him relax once more, and he did.

“I went all the way in high school. Just didn’t go to college because I wasn’t interested in it. I liked workin’ at the gym.”

“Was talkin’ to Boom the other day, he said you’re good at fixin’ things. Cars, bikes, and anythin’ like that. Why didn’t you look at gettin’ an apprenticeship?”

He shrugged again. “I tried a few places around here, but none of them were wantin’ one. I gave up and got busy anyway.”

Interesting. Maybe if he had a place to work on vehicles, it’d be something he’d want since Boom also said Kylo enjoyed doing it. It was something to think about. Could be another business opportunity.

“Tell me somethin’ I don’t know about you,” I asked.

He hummed under his breath, thinking of something. “You tell me somethin’ first while I think.”

“All right. I like to play the guitar.”

“For real?”

“Yeah, I have one in my room in the back of the closet. Mom and Dad had me take lessons when I was young and in school. It stuck, and I liked it, so kept goin’.”

“Will you play a song for me?”

“One day.”

“And no one knows?”

“Nah, never had an opportunity to play it around anyone since I keep the guitar here.”

“You should bring it to the compound. The brothers would get a kick outta it.”

“Maybe I will. Now, about you?”

“I like to draw,” he admitted.

“Draw what?”


“Kylo, come on, what do you draw?”

“Characters. Like comics.”

“That’s cool.”

“Yeah, maybe.” He didn’t seem to believe it, though.

“Has anyone seen any?”


“Then why do you sound like you’re not sure about your comics if no one has said anything bad about them?” His hand moved from my hair when I twisted to look up at him. “You don’t trust in what you draw?”

Kylo rested his hand on the top of my arm. He rolled his eyes. “I like it enough…. I just never shared it with anyone, and I’m not sure how people would take it.”

“You’ll show me one day?”

He gave me a small, soft smile. “Maybe when you play the guitar for me.”

“Deal.” I paused for a beat and then asked, “Can we talk about that dildo yet?”

His eyes widened. His cheeks shot to red, and he pushed me off the couch. I laughed and said, “I’ll take that as a no.” I got to my knees.

“That’s a hell no, and we’re never talkin’ about it again.”

“Bullshit. We will one day.” I winked. “For now, how about we make out before I take you home?”

The blush deepened. Fuck, he was too damn sweet. “Sure,” he said softly. In case he thought Copyright 2016 - 2024