Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,33


Kylo hummed under his breath. He dropped his head to my shoulder as I released my hold on both of us. I kissed his neck. I fucking loved kissing him. His mouth and mine were made for each other, and I was sure I’d soon have him realizing we’d be good together.

I ran my hands up and down his back, and he cuddled into me more. “Let’s get cleaned up,” I suggested. He sighed as if he didn’t want to move. I grinned. “What about a ride today? Or we could watch some movies?”

He lifted his head and I saw he was blushing. He was damn sweet. I kissed the side of his mouth and then reached out for the soap, running it over his body. He stood there and watched me, his eyes hooded, his breathing ragged. His dick twitched when I cleaned him, even though he’d just come.

Gently, I pushed him back under the water fully and scrubbed him free of suds. Tugging him back out, I took the shampoo and squirted some into my hand.

“Zion,” he whispered. I glanced up at him and could tell this right here was too much. He was feeling it, me taking care of him, me wanting to take care of him. Christ, I’d never done this for another person. Somehow Kylo was different for me. I didn’t know how or why, but I was enjoying it, and I wouldn’t give it up.

I just hoped he’d accept this—us—eventually. From the way he allowed me to do everything I had, it was a good indication he would.

As soon as the last of the conditioner ran from his body, I shut off the water. With a last kiss pressed to his shoulder, I moved around him and got out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and handed it to him before I took mine, and we dried ourselves.

“A ride would be good,” Kylo said as he wrapped the towel around his waist. His gaze wouldn’t quite meet mine. It seemed his emotions or thoughts were overtaking him again. “But I should get back to Boom’s and—” He stopped when I backed him up against the sink.

“You like me.”


I shook my head. “You don’t need to say anythin’ to it. I know you do, and that’s not me bein’ cocky, but my eyes have been opened, and I’ve seen the way you enjoy my touch. If you want to go home and get your head together before work, then you can. But just don’t lie to me about you doin’ somethin’ you don’t have planned.”

He swallowed, his eyes wide, and then he nodded. “Okay… I… shit, I just need to go home to think.”

I smiled. “All right then, you can have your time, but I want you to know that I like what we have goin’ on.” With that, I closed my eyes and kissed him hard and heavy before stepping back and heading out of the bathroom to my bedroom to get dressed.

I’d take him home so he could think. I didn’t want to overwhelm him and I sensed I was with all these changes. He’d get used to it, but until then, I’d have to be patient.

I was having a second cup of coffee when Kylo walked from the bedroom.

“You ready?” I asked.

He opened his mouth, closed it, and stared at me for a moment before saying, “How about a movie, and then I’ll head back to Boom’s?”

My damn heart swelled inside my chest. I was sure even my chest expanded.

Playing it cool, though, I said, “Sounds good.” I smiled behind my coffee mug.

“You got one for me?” he asked, nodding toward my cup.

“Yeah, Kylo.” I winked. “Go get the movie app up on the TV. I’ll make it and bring it in.”

He nodded and turned while I watched him walk over to the couch, pick up the remote from the coffee table, then sit. He didn’t select a single chair. He took the couch, where he knew I’d be sitting next to him.

Fuck me.

Happiness had my gut going nuts like there was a circus in there. He’d wanted to stay longer. Wanted my time more. That right there was progress, and hell, it was good to see that he wasn’t running and getting lost in his mind.

I made him a coffee and took it into the living area. “Picked one?”

“You can,” he said, taking hold of the mug I held out to him.

“I picked last night, your turn,” I told him, Copyright 2016 - 2024