Never His Girl (Kings of Cypress Prep #2) - Rachel Jonas Page 0,35

driver opens it, and the coaches keep order in the parking lot until everyone’s off, and we’re ready to head inside.

My brothers are at either side of me now with Joss trailing a bit behind, wearing one of Dane’s oversized hoodies like it’s her own. I’ve still got eyes on Southside, and it seems like most have gotten the hint and are keeping their distance from her. As well as keeping whatever sick-ass comments they have to themselves. The amount of threatening I had to do to make this happen is insane but worth it.

Girl deserves some peace. And it was on me to make sure that happened for her.

“All right, file inside,” Coach instructs.

We mostly do what we’re told, but not nearly as orderly as he had in mind, I’m sure. The sliding doors open and we pour inside, but Dane, Sterling and I don’t follow the crowd. Coach approaches the counter to get the rest of the team squared away, while we check into our suites apart from everyone else.

“Good afternoon,” the front-desk attendant greets us. “How can I help you gentlemen.”

“Just checking in. Last name’s Golden.”

She types away and then looks up with a polite smile. “Two executive suites and one honeymoon suite?” she confirms.


She laughs quietly when her response confuses me.

“Sorry, I should explain, dear. There was a mix-up on your reservation, so we had to switch one of your rooms to a honeymoon suite. Don’t worry, though. You’re not being charged extra, since this was our mistake.”

“Then, I guess that’s us.” I flash a smile before she turns back toward her screen.

“If you’re okay with the upgrade, it looks like you three are all set,” she beams, handing over six keycards—two for each of us. One set has a red heart printed in the corner, setting them apart as those granting access to the honeymoon suite, I figured.

I take those and my brothers grab the others, but as I turn to leave the counter, I lay eyes on Southside, trying her best to disappear while waiting for her room assignment. She doesn’t look pitiful by any means, but I know it’s all a front.

She’s hurt, probably a little broken, and… just deserves a fucking break.

“Vivian,” I say, reading the attendant’s nametag when I turn and face her again. “Do you have any other suites available this weekend? I know it’s short notice, but I’d appreciate you checking.”

She doesn’t hesitate to click away at the keyboard, but looks up with remorse in her gaze.

“Unfortunately, I don’t, but like I said, you won’t be charged for your upgrade,” she explains again, misunderstanding the reason I’ve asked.

“It isn’t that, I just—”

My gaze shifts back to Southside and I’m only in thought for a moment before I come up with a solution.

“Could you do me a favor?” I ask, hitting Vivian with another smile. “Would you mind giving these to that girl over near the door? The blonde with the pink hoodie?”

Vivian’s confused, so I do something I haven’t done anywhere near enough of in my lifetime. I tell the truth.

“Thing is, I messed up pretty badly with her, and I’m trying to make things right without pushing too hard,” I explain. “Can I convince you to give her my keys, so she can take my suite instead of wherever she’s been assigned?”

Hesitant, Vivian first glances at the keycards I’m holding, and then her gaze shifts up toward me again. She eventually takes the cards, but I don’t miss that her eyes are glistening more than they were a moment ago.

“Wow,” she breathes. “That’s very sweet of you.”

Now, if only I could get Southside to see it that way.

“I appreciate your help.”

“My pleasure. I was young once,” she adds with a smile. “Can I get you a different room? We have a few doubles still open if you’d like one.”

I pass a look toward Sterling and he’s already shaking his head, which draws a laugh out of me.

“I appreciate the offer, but that won’t be necessary,” I say, before slapping my hand to Sterling’s shoulder. “I think my brother has room for me.”

“Fuck you. You’re taking the floor,” he mumbles under his breath.

“Then, you gentlemen have a wonderful weekend,” Vivian pipes. “And I don’t know what you did, young man, but don’t give up trying to fix it. Seems like this girl’s pretty special to you.”

She winks and we leave the counter, two of us bound for the same room, apparently.

I catch Joss’s smile and shake my head, knowing Copyright 2016 - 2024