Never His Girl (Kings of Cypress Prep #2) - Rachel Jonas Page 0,36

she’s overheard and is about to spout some sappy shit.

“Very nice touch,” she says with a grin. “All you’re missing now are flowers.” Next thing I know, she plucks a brochure for a floral delivery service off the rack beside us and shoves it into my hand.

After that, I instruct them all to fall back, while I discreetly observe whether my plan is somehow about to backfire in my face. But, luckily, when Vivian gestures for Southside to approach the counter and hands her the keys to the room I just gave up, she doesn’t seem suspicious.

As a guy who never cared about shit like this before, I sure as hell care about it now.

I know I haven’t given you any reason to trust me, Southside, but damn… I’m trying.

Chapter 13


Never played the part of a wallflower at a party before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. Lucky me has a ringside seat of Sterling’s perverted ass grinding his dick all over some chick, passing it off as dancing. If I’m not a damn uncle by the end of this song, we’re living in a parallel universe.

I turn away when the girl spins toward him and practically eats his face with a sloppy, drunk kiss. He’s had more to drink than he should’ve, but that’s on Dane. He volunteered to keep an eye on Sterling while I keep an eye on the time.

There’s something I need to do in exactly thirty minutes.

While Dane is missing in action, Joss has basically been glued to my side the entire party, scrolling through her phone every other minute. That is, when she’s not frowning at The Sterling Show like I am.

I’ve tried not to notice, but she’s been all in the new guy’s DMs tonight. Which is why I’m certain Dane’s picked up on the interest between her and this dude going both ways. Long distance or not. It probably accounts for why my brother’s chosen not to keep eyes on his obsession tonight. My guess? He’s upstairs in a bedroom of this frat house, doing his best to fuck Joss right out of his head.

It won’t work, and I should know. Tried to do the exact same thing when I first realized I felt anything for Southside other than hatred.

“All right. I’m out. If I’m gonna make it back in time, I need to leave now.”

Joss shifts her weight off me so I can stand from the couch that hasn’t been in style since the seventies. She falls against a pillow now that I’m no longer there to lean on.

“Good luck,” she says distractedly, only looking up from her phone for a second. Then, she goes right back to scrolling.

“Thanks. I’ll need it.”

I push my way through the crowd and steal Sterling’s attention for a second.

“Keep an eye on Joss. Dane took off somewhere. Make sure you don’t leave without her.”

He nods and I’m headed toward the door. I nearly make it there, but a body bounces between me and the threshold.

Blonde hair cascades over bare shoulders and, for a second, I mistake the girl for Southside. Doesn’t take longer than a second to realize the mistake, though. For one, she’s smiling up at me, which is a dead giveaway. If she was scowling or punching me in the face, that’d be more like it.

The chick’s wearing a too-small tank top that barely contains her tits, leaving me to guess that she’s somehow missed that winter practically has us by the ass already. Her grin widens and it isn’t lost on me that she’s my type, the kind of girl I usually have on her back and/or knees by the end of the night. A tiny hand reaches up for my shoulder, pulling me lower to match her height.

“You weren’t leaving were you?” she leans in to say, letting her chest brush my bicep when asking.

I glance toward the clock on the wall and nod. “Yeah, I have something to take care of.”

She pouts, real dramatic-like. “You’re one of the players from North Cypress, right?”

I nod again, not surprised she knows. There are groupies who follow our schedules, make sure to be where they think they’ll land in our paths.

“I am.”

“West Golden?” she asks with a smile. “Sometimes I get you, Dane, and Sterling mixed up, but your tatts give you away. Theirs are different.”

Girl’s done her homework.

“I’m Tiffany,” she shares. “I drove up with some of my friends from South Cypress.”

“Nice to meet you, Tiffany, but I really Copyright 2016 - 2024