Never His Girl (Kings of Cypress Prep #2) - Rachel Jonas Page 0,34

a couple nights.” Here’s hoping I sounded brave just now, because I feel anything but that. I don’t want to be near West, any of the players, or the dance squad. Having been the butt of several of their jokes this past week, I can only imagine what they’ll be like off their leashes.

“Well, the game’s only a few cities away. I’ll make the drive out there in a flash if you need me. You know that, right?”

Smiling, I nod. Mostly because she’s just downplayed how far away I’ll be. Two, maybe three hours is more than a few cities away.

“The plan is to just stay holed up in my room for the night. Maybe binge watch something to keep my mind busy,” I say.

“Well, whatever the case, I’ll be there in spirit,” she promises.

I reach back for her hand and hold it, needing to feel connected to someone. Even if only for a little while.

Even knowing that, whatever comes of this weekend, I’ll ultimately have to face it alone.

@QweenPandora: The weekend’s almost here! If our boys pull out another win Saturday, that means we’ll be one step closer to the moment of truth—the championship.

Assuming no one parties too hard before the game, I’m predicting we’ve already got this one in the bag. Count on me for highlights from the game, but it would be remiss of me not to caution you kiddies. If you do decide to hook up with anyone this weekend, do a sweep for recording devices. Wouldn’t want me to get my hands on some more juicy footage, now would we?

Later, Peeps.


Chapter 12


Beneath my hoodie, dark lyrics that match my mood bleed through my earbuds, drowning out the nonstop chatter. We’re two hours into a two and a half-hour bus ride from Cypress Prep to the campus of Cristoph Mercer University. We’ll have the evening to chill, then tomorrow brings us one step closer to D-Day.

The game I have so much riding on this season.

Already, my attention isn’t where it should be. It’s focused toward the front seat of the bus, where a blonde ponytail bobs with every movement of the bumpy road.

She came. Despite how things went down last time, she’s back on this bus with all the assholes who’ve made her life a living hell lately. Myself included. But I’m not just keeping eyes on her for my usual reasons. This time, I’m also making sure no one gives her shit. Mouthing off to her will be the death of any dickhead who tries it.

She turns, meeting my gaze as if she’s heard my thoughts, and my breath quickens. The moment she realizes I caught her, her head whips forward again. It kills me inside knowing how close we came to having something normal, but I’ve said it from the start. Normal was never in the cards for us. She’s fucked up, I’m sure as hell fucked up, but that can’t be all there is, right?

I shift my gaze out the window, taking in the scenery outside—farmland, silos, and the occasional gas station/convenience store.

The university’s pretty far out from everything, but that’s a bit misleading. You’d think being in the middle of nowhere would make it tame and boring, but one thing CMU is not is tame. Some of the wildest parties in the state are held here, which is why my teammates and I have made this lengthy drive on more than one occasion.

I’m tired and ready to stretch my legs. My knees have been pressed against the back of this seat since we first left the lot, which has me looking forward to checking into my suite. Mom always insists that the three of us have our own space, so she calls ahead to make sure whatever hotel the team’s booked can accommodate the upgrade.

It’s pretentious as hell, but makes her feel better about not making the games. She claims our father can’t get along without her, but I’ve always wondered if it’s got more to do with her being afraid to take her eyes off him for even a weekend. Deep down, she has to know that asshole would be in someone else’s bed before she could even set her suitcases down.

The last thirty minutes pass quickly, and I’m beyond grateful when the bus pulls up in front of the hotel. This area definitely has the feel of your average college town—coffee shops, internet cafes, and artisan restaurants on every other corner.

There’s a mad-dash toward the door as soon as the Copyright 2016 - 2024