Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,71

long? Did you sleep with her? Huh? Did you fuck her?”

He continued looking everywhere but at me. Why wasn’t he looking at me? I asked him a simple question that required nothing more than a yes or no. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally looked me dead in the eyes and I swallowed waiting for the answer that would most likely change everything. His face turned white as if he’d seen a ghost. Suddenly I didn’t know if I wanted to hear this or not. Trevor continued to look at me and his truth came out, “Macy, I didn’t mean to.”

I took two steps back and held my chest. I was terrified a panic attack was coming. I couldn’t break down in front of him. He continued with his confession, “She came onto me. I didn’t know what to do. You wouldn’t talk to me. You just cried in your room. I felt I was never going to be enough for you.” A tear fell from his eyes, he didn’t deserve to cry.

He went to continue but I cut him off. I could no longer stay strong. The tears began to fall and sobbing I replied, “So you left me to be with that?” I pointed back towards The Lounge knowing full and well Taylor was already gone from the bloody nose I gave her.

“It was just a kiss and I was drinking. I took her home I’m so sorry I fucked up.” His eyes were full of sincerity but I didn’t give a shit. How could I? I caught him kissing her. Thank god I didn’t catch him doing god knows what else because I really would have lost it.

“How long has this been going on Trevor?”

He lowered his eyes and hung his head in shame; his hands had fistfuls of his hair in them. I already knew this wasn’t going to be good. “A week in a half.”

I got ready to bite his head off when Taylor’s voice filled my ears. “Don’t let him lie to you. A week and a half?” She snorted. “More like three weeks. At least you know I won’t lie to you.”

It felt like he had literally slapped me in my face. I wanted to slap him again and punch her face in or do much worse things to both of them but instead I choked out a sob and responded, “How could you? Did you seriously think I wouldn’t find out?” I couldn’t say anything else; there was nothing else to say.

He just stood there crying in the parking lot while Taylor just stood there looking smug. I thought I hated her before, no I really hated her now. I didn’t feel sorry for him at all. He tried to touch my arm one more time and I jerked away from him. “Don’t touch me Trevor, I swear to God, I’ll knock your damn teeth out!”

He opened his mouth to speak but before he could I got in the car, shut the door and left. Halley didn’t say anything to me on the way home. She let me be upset which is good because I didn’t want to accidentally snap at her. We rode in silence and both went into our separate rooms once we got into the apartment. I got a text from Halley telling me she loved me. I responded with nothing more than I love you too. Trevor also sent a text but I deleted it. I had nothing else to say to him. I lay in my bed hugging my tiger and I cried. How did this happen? He was supposed to be there for me, it was his baby we lost too. Instead he threw everything we had away.

I stared at my ceiling when the tears finally stopped. I don’t think I’ve cried this much since I was 19. I loved Trevor. I loved him so much, but now I hated him so much. This hurt was something that was even more unbearable than all my nightmares when I was 19. I grabbed my phone prepared to turn it off when it rang. No one needed to talk to me. Halley was in the next room and she would just barge in if she needed anything. Shit. I forgot about Gary. I wanted nothing more than to turn it off and just disappear for the rest of the night but I also knew if I didn’t answer he would drive over here. I groaned because Copyright 2016 - 2024