Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,70

is very wrong for what he did and I can’t believe you made her nose bleed.” She began laughing and I let out a small chuckle to lighten the air. “I wish I had been standing there for that one.”

“She deserved it and much more. She’s lucky that’s all I did. She better hope I never see her again.”

Halley hugged me for a minute then stepped away quickly and cleared her throat. I turned to see what she did that for and saw Trevor walking up to me. Great. He couldn’t talk in there but he wanted to hunt me down out here. Halley let out a small chuckle trying to ease the situation and gave her best Kevin Hart impersonation when she told me, “It’s about to go down.” I wanted to laugh but there was too much smoke coming from my ears and he needed to know none of this was even funny.

“I’m going to sit in the car. I’m right here if you need me.” Halley placed her hand on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She made good on her promise and sat in the passenger side of my car.

“What do you want Trevor?” I glared at him with nothing but cold, pure, hatred. Part of me felt bad for slapping him earlier but he deserved it. He walked up and tried to touch me and I moved out of reach. He wouldn’t get out of this one easily. This was so much more different from the time he stared at her chest in the middle of the bar.

“Macy, please let me explain.” His eyes showed nothing but hurt but I didn’t care. He should have thought about that before he decided to lock lips with that bitch and have me just so happen to walk up on it.

“Explain what Trevor? I saw it with my own eyes. We are more than done. Don’t call me, don’t text me, don’t come over. I never want to see you again. I told you from the beginning this was all a mistake.” My hands were flinging all over the place as if I were some raging lunatic and at this moment I’m pretty sure I was.

“What do you want me to say Macy?” What do I want him to say? I want him to say he fucked up and that he is stupid for screwing us up. He needed to feel sorry for what he did but I just wasn’t seeing it in his eyes. He was only hurt because I caught him, and that I figured out I was never enough for him?

“I don’t want you to say anything Trevor.” There were no more words to say. If I said anything else, I was bound to begin crying and I’d be damned if I broke down in front him.

“I fucked up Macy. I know I did. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. We can work through this. I love you.”

I almost slapped him again but I held my hands at bay. “Don’t say those words to me ever again Trevor,” I gritted through my teeth. “You made your bed, now you need to lie in it. You know I really loved you Trevor. I gave you everything I had. I told you things no one else knew. I let you into my life and you did this to me. I lost our baby and you did this. You really hurt me. I just don’t know what else to tell you anymore. This is beyond repair.”

“Please give me another chance. I still love you more than anything. We can still get married.”

I interrupted quickly and responded, “No we can’t. In case you didn’t notice, I threw your damn ring and bracelet at you. I don’t want them. I don’t want anything that reminds me of you.”

I stood there trying to process everything. I couldn’t believe what he was telling me. This was some fucked up joke. I leaned in until I was inches from his face and whispered, “How long Trevor. And don’t lie to me.”

He couldn’t look me in my eyes. My eyes grew wide and I stepped back when I realized he wasn’t answering me right away. My heart began pounding and I felt as if I were about to have a panic attack. No, I can’t let him see me break down. He can’t see that. I steadied myself and stood there waiting. He looked everywhere but at me.

“Look at me Trevor. How Copyright 2016 - 2024