Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,72

I was not ready to see him face to face just yet.


“Macy, we need to talk.” He sounded very serious. It wasn’t a side I saw from him often. Obviously he was mad and I was very glad we were having this talk over the phone and not in person.

Before he could continue with anything else he had to say I replied, “I know Uncle Gary. I’m so sorry for causing a scene. I won’t be there anymore.” It was the truth. I wouldn’t be. I had no reason to be there anymore. I’ve always said I wouldn’t let Trevor not play there. I could at least hold my end of the deal up. There were plenty of things to do in this town that didn’t involve seeing him. I would just have to make a list of those later.

“You need to be glad she’s not going to press charges on you for what you did to her. You should thank her.”

He had to be freaking kidding me. I couldn’t hold back my laughter at all. I tried and failed miserably. “Thank her? For what? Ruining my life and taking from me the one thing I loved? Thank her for being a whore?”

“Macy, that’s enough. I love you but I’m not listening to this. That is your business and you will not handle it inside my bar. Not after everything I’ve done for you.”

“Fine. I said I was sorry.”

Even my own uncle seemed to be betraying me and taking Trevor’s side. This was unreal. What happened to him hunting him down if he hurt me? I knew from the moment that first kiss happened this was all a mistake but I let myself fall for him anyway. Why did I have to be so stupid? He introduced the game to me and like a fool I played along and in the end, it was me who got game over. I was left with all the sorrow and heartache. No one but me got to pick up the pieces and try to put them back together again so that I might be ok again. Good thing I learned how to become strong years ago. Gary said bye then we hung up. I turned the phone off this time and turned to stare at the empty wall until I fell asleep.

Chapter 16

“Rise and shine Macy!”

What the hell? Halley was a little too chipper for me this morning. I knew she meant well. She sat on my bed and I let out a loud groan. I tried to throw the comforter back over my head but she grabbed it from me and pulled it back.

“Ugh, I don’t want to wake up.”

She flashed a big smile and replied, “Sure you do! Get up and spend time with me. And go wash your face, you have eye makeup all over.”

I rolled my eyes and looked at her. She had to be joking. Marcus must not be here that’s the only reason I could come up with for why she was in here and why the hell was she judging me for the mess on my face. No one was there to see it anyway and I’m pretty sure she would live. “I’m spending time with you right now, in my bed.”

She never once asked me about last night and the conversation with Trevor outside the car. I wasn’t sure if she heard anything but even if she did she still wasn’t asking and I’m sure she did with the way that conversation went. I looked at her and told her, “He’s been sleeping with her for a week and a half. Wait no scratch that, Taylor informed me three weeks. He tried to tell me how sorry he was and that he fucked up. He didn’t know what to do he said. Gary called and said the bitch isn’t pressing charges on me for what I did and I told him I won’t be going there anymore.”

“Macy I am so sorry. I saw her walking up and I almost got out but you asked me stay inside and I didn’t want to upset you more.” I knew she was. I could see it in her eyes. I also know if I had looked at her she would have jumped out that car last night, but there didn’t need to be a bigger scene than we already had. Our luck someone would have called the cops on us. I definitely didn’t need a mug shot on Copyright 2016 - 2024