Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,7

this mess. Yeah right. That’s what she would want me to do.

I shot her another look and rolled my eyes. She knows I don’t date anyone much less look in any guy’s general direction. And if I do happen to notice a guy, it’s never anything more than a simple hey he’s cute. There’s no talking or exchanging of names or numbers. I set my phone down, let my hair down, brushed it and placed it back into a ponytail. The phone went off again. I tried my best to pretend I hadn’t heard it so that maybe she wouldn’t realize another text came through. Too late. She heard it and she was onto me.

"Ohmigod someone’s texting you who is it?!" Little Miss Nosy grabbed my phone before I could stop her. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her head. I actually hit her with the pillow but it didn’t faze her. And I thought I threw it really hard. She always reminded me that Best Friend rules supposedly state that the best friend can invade your privacy at any time without a warning. She had actually told me that for the first time when we were just texting before we ever met face to face. I guess she already knew we would be best friends from that moment. She was right but that wasn’t the point. The point was that my phone was being invaded for sure right now. This was crap. She wasn’t giving it back anytime soon. Who the hell made these rules because I needed a talk with them now and at least find out if there were some sort of clause or anything I could throw in her face to turn these rules around. There had to be a fine print somewhere I never read before.

"Halley, come on give me my phone, please." I was jumping around my tornadic room like a maniac trying to get it back. How I never tripped over anything was a miracle.

She sprinted across the room and ran into the kitchen practically almost running into the counter. Her eyes suddenly bugged like mine had before when she finally stopped and she let out a huge "Macy ohmigod!!! Why didn’t you tell me?!" For a split second I thought the phone was going to fly across the room. That would have definitely worked to my advantage. I stood there praying it would instantly hit the floor and explode. Then there would be no text messages, I could live with that. No proof of anything. Then Halley seriously began pouting. Lip out pouting like you do when you’re five years old and your mom tells you that you can’t have the baby doll you want, because she didn’t know. "Does your Uncle Gary know?" Now her eyes were wider than before. She already knew the answer she just wanted to hear it from me.

Time stood still as her eyes met mine. The ultimate stare off and I felt trapped in a maze that I couldn't get out of. I thought about lying and telling her yes. She never talked to Gary so she would never know anyway. I wasn’t sure what was getting into me. I normally didn’t lie. I don’t believe in it, it does nothing but get you in trouble and here I was thinking about doing nothing but lying. Instead I truthfully replied, "No he doesn't know. And I didn't tell you because I have no memory of giving him my number! I mean really if I can’t remember what they sang or what I sang then how the hell am I supposed to remember giving him my phone number? He has to stop texting me which is what I was getting ready to tell him before you deliberately took my phone," I replied with an accusatory tone. I stood there tapping my foot with my hand extended waiting for her to hand the phone back.

"You know he's been watching you for quite a while now. Marcus thinks he likes you too." No captain obvious really? I thought we already had the conversation about the way he looks at me. She stood there smiling so smugly. I wanted to smack the smile off her face, almost as bad as I wanted to pour her coffee out earlier. She knew as well as I did that no man would ever be in my life. I was nowhere near ready to tear down my walls. It would take a Copyright 2016 - 2024