Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,6

life. I’d at least like to have been sober when I gave Trevor my number. But then he would never have gotten my number. I would have never given it to him because that was Uncle Gary’s main rule. He didn’t want anything awkward at the bar because the band brought in a lot of income for him and with me being family if we didn’t work out; Uncle Gary risked losing the band and a lot of business. It was nothing more than a recipe for disaster for everyone involved. It was really one of the only rules that Gary had given me when I moved here and I promised him I wouldn’t let him down. Two screw ups already this morning, could this day get any worse?

"How did you get my number,” I responded.

Part of me wished I would have lied, it was too late for that. Surely he remembered something because my brain couldn’t remember anything. I tried to remember anything. Even the littlest thing but nothing was coming to me. The panic was still rising within me. I didn’t want to have a panic attack. I couldn’t. I needed to remain calm and handle this like the adult I claimed to be. No never mind, I wanted to crawl back in bed and throw the covers over my head. Going to sleep and waking back up sounded like a good plan to erase all of this mess. Who cared about being an adult.

The phone went off again and I was a little nervous to see what he had to say.

"You gave me it to me after we played our last set last night. Don’t you remember?"

No I wanted to scream at the phone but I sure as hell wish I did! Great job Macy!

"No I don’t remember."

I typed back as I sat there breathing a little heavier than normal. I should have just lied and told him I remembered; maybe I would have saved myself from further embarrassment. But then I thought that earlier and see what good that brought me.

He responded almost immediately with, “Well good thing I remembered ;)"

God forbid I mention that my insides melted with the sight of the winky face.


That was the only thing that came to mind. I had gotten off the bed and began pacing back and forth in my room. This message was a big joke. Trevor didn’t have my number. I would never give it to him. Ever. Or at least that’s what I kept telling myself. Someone was playing a joke on me.

I must have been really out of it because I never noticed when Halley poked her head in and just stared. My eyes met hers. "What Hales?" I was slightly aggravated and I didn't want to be bothered. I was still trying to wrap my brain around the mess I seemed to have made last night and how to make it go away.

"I’m getting ready to go meet Marcus. We’re going to do some shopping and get lunch. I’ll be back this afternoon, maybe we can get ready together for tonight at The Lounge." She sounded hopeful, like a question but really it was more of a statement letting me know what we were going to be doing. She was assuming the role of my babysitter for the night, I already knew. Maybe that was a good thing though. I was seeming more and more to be in need of a full time babysitter.

"Yea sure sounds like a plan. You guys have fun.” My brain was racing with about a thousand things to say to Trevor but I couldn’t think straight to formulate any response with Halley right there and she sensed it. Crap.

"You ok? Are you pacing?" She stifled a laugh. I’m glad someone found humor in the situation. I rolled my eyes as she walked into the room and stood there, watching my every move. Making herself comfortable and making it known that she wasn’t getting ready to leave anytime soon.

"Don’t laugh! I’m fine, I swear!" I gave her an annoyed look trying to make her leave the room, but she just couldn’t take the hint.

"Haha ok because if I didn’t know any better I would say you look all giddy like you met someone." She so knew. I was never going to live this one down. She caught me in the act. I may as well throw in the towel and begin begging for forgiveness and ask her how to fix Copyright 2016 - 2024