Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,8

hell of a lot and a hell of a good man for me to even consider. Seriously, I wasn’t sure if Trevor was that man.

All my emotions hidden and hidden well I replied, "Well good for him. I don't have time for him or anything like that."

Halley looked at me with sympathetic eyes. She knew I hated bringing this crap up. I didn't care if it was childish, it was my life. I didn’t have to talk about it if I didn’t want to. She placed the phone back down finally, smiled and told me, “Look Mace, I know you still think about that time but someday you have to try to move past it and let someone in. I know you hate hearing this, trust me. I just worry about you. I’m sorry for giving you a hard time, really I am. I really just walked in your room to tell you I was leaving. So here I am now, telling you I’m leaving. I'll be home later ok?"

Halley embraced me in an unexpected hug, watched to make sure I was really ok then picked up and handed me the phone. I walked back into my room. I knew the coast was clear when I heard the deadbolt lock. I glanced at my phone to see the message she intercepted.

"You should sing with the band sometime."

I laughed so hard I practically snorted. This was the biggest joke I’d ever heard.

"No thanks. Oh and Trevor I think you shouldn't text me anymore."

Ha! I grinned and tossed the phone back on my bed kicking a few things out of the way to semi clean my room to where I could at least walk without stepping on anything and went to shower. I always got the last word in most of my conversations and I felt at ease knowing the Trevor issue had been resolved.

Chapter 3

My body was still exhausted from the night before. My hangover was slowly beginning to ease up a little. After finding Trevor had my number, I decided I needed to take it easy from now on. Besides I hated feeling this way the day after. I set my clothes and things in the bathroom and turned on the shower. I was glad Halley finally broke down and bought a new shower curtain. Our old was so old and rigged, it wasn’t even funny. It was hers originally and she kept saying it was perfectly fine so when it ripped this past time and she continued to duct tape it again, I informed her she needed to go shopping. She actually did it and we now owned a brand new, no rips or duct tape pink shower curtain. I don’t know if she just had a major attachment to that thing or if she just didn’t want to spend any money she deemed unnecessary. I climbed into the shower and let the hot water wash the bar smell off of me and any traces of Trevor. It felt good to be clean and I felt more than refreshed by the time I was done. All I needed was for the aspirin to finish working so I could be at my best. After my shower, I sauntered back towards my bed and flopped down on it. I was still racking my brain trying to get any information from last night. Nothing was coming to mind. My head was beginning to hurt from trying to think so hard. The aspirin was pretty much having to work double now.

Trevor James was a bad idea for me. I knew this. He would probably turn out to be nothing more than a big heartache. I didn’t need any more heartache in my life at all. My heart couldn’t handle it. He fit the rock star cliché. Yeah he only played in a little bar, but technically he was a rock star. Women were always fawning over him like he were some huge superstar. It was disgusting. He was just a super sexy guy who got on stage and played a guitar and sang a few songs a few nights a week. Big freaking deal. The band didn’t even have a name for crying out loud. My mind started racing again. Suddenly I didn't know if I'd even kissed him or not. Yes he had my number but did we kiss? Did anything else happen? I wanted to know but Trevor was not getting a text from me. I had already shut that operation Copyright 2016 - 2024