Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,62

maternity formal that would accent the belly and I bought a pair of white Toms to wear with it. Halley bought a pink cocktail dress to wear beside me. I was getting so excited. This month couldn’t go by fast enough. Trevor and Marcus both rented their suits. I’m sure Gary was going to do the same. Halley and I had visited the flower shop and we bought at least two hundred dollars’ worth of flowers to place inside The Lounge for our reception. I admit we got a little carried away with the flowers, but as much as I loved The Lounge, I wanted it to look a little nicer than normal on that day. Gary had a friend that was going to cater with little finger foods. I made sure Gary told him we had to have the little cocktail weenies. No wedding reception is complete without them. But when it all comes down to it I know one thing, I can’t wait to become Mrs. Trevor James.

The band was playing tonight and I decided to tag along and get out of the house. As nice as it was to just sit at home pregnant, it got boring rather quickly. Trevor had basically moved in along with Marcus so that helped our stress of bills. I was able to put away a little more money for the baby bed and everything I had been eyeballing online that I may want or need. I grabbed my favorite maternity jeans and a red blouse and went to change. Trevor walked up and rubbed my belly.

“How are my future wife and my beautiful baby doing?”

“We are just fine.” I smiled and reached up to kiss his lips. “I’m just glad to be getting out of this house for a change. This past week has been driving me crazy.”

“I know. It’s not the same not seeing you behind the bar.” He grabbed my hand and we walked into the living room to meet up with Marcus and Halley.

“Hey mama!” She rubbed my belly then continued, “Hey there little fella, ready to go hear your daddy and Uncle Marcus play music?”

I rolled my eyes at her cheesiness and we left to head to The Lounge. Trevor drove my car since neither of us would be drinking tonight. When I found out I was pregnant, of course I stopped drinking and he did too. I told him he didn’t have to but he said if I couldn’t he wouldn’t. It’s the smallest sacrifices like this that made me love him more and more every day. As soon as we walked in, Gary watched me closely. I knew exactly what he was thinking too. He was thinking I just couldn’t stay away no matter how hard I tried. Smiling I let him know, “I swear I’m just here to listen to the band. I’ll be sitting the whole time. With a bottle of water.”

Gary winked and went back into the office. I stepped behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of water for me and a shot of tequila for Halley. We sat at the bar stools while the guys began talking with a few fans. I’d have been stupid not to notice her standing a mere few feet from Trevor. Was she really this persistent or plain stupid? Or both? Halley noticed my stare and looked that way.

“Is she seriously here?”

I hopped off the stool. “Yep. Time to end this shit now.”

Halley followed behind me as I walked up to Trevor. He smiled and announced, “I can’t wait to marry this beautiful woman next month.” He kissed me and the fans erupted into cheers. She practically snarled at me. I didn’t care. Truth hurts whether she liked it or not.

She began to walk off but I stopped her. “Hey.” She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. “So you’ve been coming in here for a while trying to take what is obviously mine.” I pointed to my ring and my small belly. “Tell me something, what is your name?”

She shot her angry eyes at my ring then my belly then back at my face. “Taylor.”

“Listen Taylor, I think its best you stay away if you can’t keep away from what’s mine. I may not be here all the time anymore but I have eyes and ears in this place. I don’t want trouble from you but you need to watch yourself.”

Taylor looked at me appalled. “Are you threatening me?”

I laughed at her question. Copyright 2016 - 2024