Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,61

took my shirt off and kept trailing his kisses. I moaned softly with every touch. Trevor took his pants off then mine and continued to kiss down to my thighs. Oh god. I don’t think I could handle this. We hadn’t done this yet. He squeezed my hand and kissed gently and trailed back up and slid inside me. I kissed his lips like my life depended on it. He felt amazing inside me and I couldn’t help but moan with every thrust. My legs were so weak by the time we were done I was glad we weren’t standing or I’d have fallen over. He held me tight; my head lay upon his chest.


“Yeah babe?”

“Thank you for making this the best day of my life.” I sincerely meant that. There was no way this day could have been better.

“I’ll do anything for you Macy, anything for you and our baby.”

He kissed my cheek and I fell asleep with my head still on his chest. I’m pretty sure I fell asleep smiling. I really was starting to believe in happy endings.

Chapter 14

Five months had flown by like you wouldn’t believe. Our baby was continuing to grow and I was beginning to get a bigger bump day by day. The fight to wear normal clothes had been well over for a few weeks now and I gave in to maternity pants which I found to be extremely comfortable. Geez, I may wear this even after the baby is born. That little elastic band was heavenly. Gary made me quit working about a week ago but he told me he would keep paying me as if I were there. Trevor was the best husband to be and dad to be I could ask for. He took care of me when morning sickness had taken over my life and I couldn’t even keep down a bagel. Those were definitely the worst times. I was more than happy when I could look at food and eat without getting nauseous. Drinking ginger ale was one of the only things that worked for me and that was a taste I had to learn to adapt to and one I couldn’t wait to forget. He wouldn’t let me do anything anymore. I couldn’t even take showers alone which hey I really wasn’t complaining on that one but really, I could wash my own plate after I finished eating. He practically, no literally waited on me hand and foot. I thought to myself at times, I could actually get pretty used to it. Halley even waited on me for some things and that was unlike her. She and Trevor were beginning to become the perfect tag team. She tried to not let me see she was secretly folding my laundry but I saw grumpily folding piece by piece and wadding all my panties up into balls and I silently thanked her. She kept me up to date on what was going on in The Lounge from her knowledge. The red haired bitch showed up last week and tried to bat her eyes at Trevor but my man paid her no attention. She really didn’t want me to go up there and go hormonal on her ass. She was probably glad I wasn’t there. Little did she know I’d still go to visit eventually because there was no smoking inside The Lounge. Gary used to serve food in there but the state had passed a law about not smoking in restaurants so he abided by the law. When he stopped serving food, he just kept the rule the same. It was nice to go in there and be able to breath something other than smoke.

Halley had been helping me with wedding planning. I wanted to wait til the baby was born, but a part of me wanted to get married before. After talking to Trevor and weighing both our options, we both decided we’d like to get married before. Our wedding was going to be in a month. It was going to be small and intimate. Basically a small courthouse wedding with Gary, Halley, and Marcus there. We would have our reception at The Lounge and the DJ would just play all night. We all knew most of our customers anyway, why not include them? There was no point in anything more lavish than that. I just wanted them there. They were my family. Halley and I had gone shopping and bought my dress. It was a simple white Copyright 2016 - 2024