Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,60

now but I was perfectly content with my water. Halley kept me company at the bar while the guys were playing. She walked off to go to the restroom while I kept my post behind the bar. They did more covers and threw in a song by some new band that we’d recently begun hearing on the radio. They sounded better and better every time they played. I finished grabbing four beers for a guy at the other end of the bar when I heard a voice say, “Well I was sure hoping not to have to see you again.”

I shot her a glare. I’ve had the best day and she shows her face in my bar..again. “Well sweetie I’m afraid you’re in the wrong place if you don’t want to see me because you see I own this bar.”

She rolled her eyes and replied, “Whatever. I need a vodka cranberry.”

No please or anything. I fixed her drink and turned to where she couldn’t see and I spit in it like I should have done the first time. And I mean it was a big wad of spit, I was proud. I plastered on the biggest fake smile and handed her the drink. “Enjoy.” She rolled her eyes again and threw the five dollar bill on the counter.

I noticed her sizing me up and she stopped when she saw my hand. “What’d you do rob the cracker jack box?”

Halley didn’t need to slam her head on the bar because I was moments away from doing it myself.

“Unlike you, I have class. Fix your hair you look like a damn clown.” She shut up real quick but kept her glare fixed upon me. “And nosy ass, I’m engaged to the man you think you can steal away. Bad news bitch, he’s off the market. He doesn’t want your clown ass.” I was super proud of myself. I held my head high. This was my moment. Her jaw dropped and she took a big sip of her drink and it took everything in me not to burst out laughing or ask her how that spit tasted.

Halley came walking back up and she and the clown made eye contact. She glared at both of us and stormed off towards the front of the stage where no doubt she would try to work her antics again.

“What the hell did she want?”

“To show her ass.” I leaned forward and whispered, “I spit in her drink.” Halley burst out laughing and I quickly tried to get her to stop. “I told her she looked like a clown too. Damn I should be sober more often this is fun.”

Halley couldn’t stop laughing. I poured her a shot and grabbed my water bottle and we both drank. The red haired clown listened to a few more songs then left but not before shooting me with another one of her glares. She was no threat to me. Matter of fact she was absolutely nothing to me.

Before we knew it, it was time to leave. The night went really good besides that girl being stupid. I didn’t even know I could have so much fun not drinking. We rode home laughing and talking about the nights events. I even filled Marcus and Trevor in on the girl.

“She showed up?”

“Yes and I put her in her place. I even spit in her drink.” Trevor kissed me and laughed.

“That’s my baby girl.”

“I should have done that the first night I ever met her, but something about tonight made it so worth the wait.”

We pulled up and walked inside. Everyone was exhausted. Marcus and Halley went to her room and shut the door. I scurried to my room to get out of hearing anything unwanted like usual.

Once my door was shut Trevor pinned me against the door and kissed my neck making a trail to my lips. “We didn’t get to celebrate earlier.” He kept kissing my neck and my knees were going week.

“No, we didn’t.” I kissed him back parting his lips with my tongue. I raised his shirt and lifted it off him. I ran my hand along his chest and wrapped my arms around his back. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. His bluish gray eyes melting me during the process. He laid me down on the bed and stared into my eyes. “I love you so much.” I didn’t give him time to answer. I kissed him slow and passionately savoring every moment. He Copyright 2016 - 2024