Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,63

This was rather funny. The thought to hit her crossed my mind, she wouldn’t dare touch me, I was pregnant. “You really think I would waste my time threatening you? If I say I’m going to do it, I will. So. Back. Off.” I made sure to put emphasis on those words. Turning to walk away I glanced back in her direction. “Oh nice to meet you Taylor, I’m Macy, but I am sure you already knew that.”

She stormed off and Halley joined my side. “What just happened?”

“Taylor,” I emphasized, “now knows her place.”

She burst out laughing and we walked back to our men who were getting ready to take the stage. I was jealous he was wearing the shirt he was tonight. It clung too tightly where I wanted no one else to see but I was willing to overlook it just because he looked amazing in it. He gave me a kiss then stepped on stage. He brushed his hair from his eyes and began talking to the crowd. There was a lively bunch in there today. Being pregnant definitely had its ups and downs. Trevor took care of me, I could eat all the food I wanted but the downs were not so great. I was tired all the time and occasionally I started to cramp today and it hurt so badly. I called Dr. Riley when I first felt one today but he didn’t seem to think it was anything to become worried about. I hadn’t changed anything in my normal routine. I took my prenatal vitamins every morning. Halley and Trevor constantly reminded me even if I told them I had just taken it. I had an appointment tomorrow so I would be sure to ask Dr. Riley any and all questions I had. I was also anxious for tomorrow because we were supposed to find out what we were having. It was the day we’d been waiting for. I winced through a cramp and took a big sip of water.

Halley cheered after the song ended and she looked at me. I was almost doubled over from the last cramp that just hit. I was in pain and she knew it. I couldn’t lie my way out of this one no matter how hard I tried.

“Mace, you ok? Do you need to try to get up and walk it off?” She took a drink of my water. She had only taken that one shot earlier.

“Yeah I guess that may help. Let’s try. I’m talking to Dr. Riley tomorrow. There has to be a reason for these cramps I’ve had in the last few days. They’re just getting worse now.”

The band just went on break and Marcus and Trevor made their way through the crowd to us. My hand held onto Halley’s to steady myself as I stepped down. I took a deep breath as I prepared to pull myself off the stool. Just as my feet hit the floor, they gave out on me as another cramp hit. Trevor ran to catch me before I could hit the floor.

“Macy, what’s wrong?” A hint of fear filled his eyes. He was so worried and I wanted so badly to reassure him I was fine, I just wasn’t sure if I could.

He helped me stand up and all three of them were huddled around me. “I’ve just been cramping but it’s probably nothing I’m going to talk to Dr. Riley tomorrow.”

“If you need to go home we can talk to Gary, I know he’ll understand.”

“He’s right Mace.” Halley chimed in. She was worried too. None of them could hide it very well from me.

“Guys I’m fine. I promise. If I wasn’t I’d say so.” My mouth had barely been closed when another cramp much worse than the others hit and I squeezed Trevor’s arm to keep from falling again.

“Marcus, tell Gary we’re going to the hospital. Halley go get the car, I’m bringing her out.”

The hospital? A million things ran through my head as Trevor held me getting ready to bring me to the car. Why did we need to go to the hospital? Couldn’t we just go back home and let me relax? Gary followed Marcus to where we were. “What’s wrong with Macy?”

“She fell once almost twice. She’s saying that she’s cramping really bad. I’m taking her to the hospital.”

“Let me know what’s going on, don’t worry about tonight at all. Just make sure she and that baby are ok.” He kissed my cheek and Copyright 2016 - 2024