Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,57

you to take home and we will see you again in about a month. Here’s a checklist of medicines that are acceptable to take and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call before your next appointment. Either the nurse of myself are more than happy to answer any of your questions or handle any concerns you may have.”

He printed the picture and handed it to us. This was very much real. Trevor kissed me and then kissed my belly. We walked out of our exam room and I paid the receptionist and scheduled our next appointment.

We walked hand in hand to the car, both of us with smiles plastered to our faces. We sat inside and Trevor placed his hand on my stomach and then looked into my eyes. “Macy, I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made me and this,” He grabbed our baby’s picture and smiled, “this makes me love you so much more.” I had no idea where he was going with this, but I listened giving him my full attention. “I know this is really soon, we haven’t even been together six months yet but we’re having a baby. We made a baby. And I love you more than you could ever imagine. I’m sorry I keep babbling but what I’m really trying to say is,” He placed the picture in my lap and grabbed my hand. “Will you marry me? I’m not asking just because you are pregnant, please don’t think that, I, just, I can’t imagine my life without you and we’re going to be a family and...”

Christ he was going to keep babbling. I grabbed his face and stared into those bluish gray eyes I loved, “Yes Trevor. I will marry you.”

A tear fell from his eye and he hugged me. “You have no idea how happy you’ve just made me. I’m not trying to put a sour note on this for us, but we’re going to have to tell Gary.”

Shit. I had forgotten all about that. But Trevor was right. He was going to have to find out soon and we were going to have to tell him. “We will talk to him and get it straightened out but for right now, let’s go home.”

“Wait, you need a ring my wife to be.”

“Trevor, I don’t have to have one right this minute. It’s ok I promise.”

“No, don’t argue with me. I want to do this. Let me do this for you.”

He really could make me blush. We drove to Molly’s Trinkets and Things where my bracelet came from. He opened my door for me and we walked inside. He grabbed a charm shaped like a baby carriage and we approached the counter where the rings were. He began looking at solitaire diamonds. We tried on a few and finally found the perfect one. It wasn’t too big or too small. It was perfect. He paid the lady and walked outside.

“This charm is for our baby, who I can’t wait to meet. And,” He got down on one knee in the middle of the sidewalk where people were beginning to stop and watch us. Crap. “Macy, I already asked but I’m asking again. Will you marry me? Because I’m crazy about you and I can’t imagine life without you or our baby?”

As bad as I hated being put on the spot, I grinned and replied, “Yes, I will marry you.” He scooped me up and kissed me. The crowd that had formed around us cheered and we waved to them. We stood there on the sidewalk holding each other for a minute or two more as if nothing else mattered in this world. We broke our embrace and got back in the car and continued home.

As Trevor opened the door for me, I tried to figure out the best way to tell Halley I was engaged. She was going to absolutely die and probably threaten me to be my maid of honor. I mean really? Like there could possibly be anyone else. We opened the door and she immediately ran up to me. “How was the appointment?”

“Everything was good. We heard its heartbeat. Look here’s our baby.” I handed her the ultrasound pic in a way she was sure to notice the ring but she didn’t seem to notice.

“Ohmigod how tiny!!” She showed Marcus then handed it back. Her eye caught my ring and she pulled my hand towards her. “OHMIGOD!!!! When did this happen?!”

Trevor spoke up for me, “It Copyright 2016 - 2024