Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,56


We all nodded in agreement and walked out to the living room where Marcus began placing the order. Halley and Marcus sat on one couch and we sat on the other. Having Trevor next to me, made the lumpy couch not seem so bad. I could tolerate it right now. Some movie was on TV but we were all too busy talking and being hungry to pay attention to what was on. Looked like something with Drew Barrymore in it. I love all her movies. Twenty minutes into our conversations, the pizza arrived. We all looked like hungry wolves devouring it. I know I didn’t care if I looked like a slob or not scarfing it down. Within five minutes, there wasn’t but one piece left in the box. With full bellies we all sprawled out on the couches again and watched the movie. Halley and I quoted it to each other while the guys continued to roll their eyes at us. We kept that up for another hour at least until we all fell asleep.

Chapter 13

The day of our first doctor appointment had arrived. I was nervous but excited all at the same time. I hoped we would get to see the baby, I knew I was pregnant, but I wanted to be able to see our child that was growing inside me. Trevor was even more nervous. I’d never seen him so fidgety, it was kind of funny. It was almost as though he thought he was the one carrying the baby. I threw on some jeans and my pink V-neck I’d worn that day we sang in the park. My hair lay on my shoulders and I threw on my flip flops. Trevor had his jeans and a plain black tee. He had begun pacing and we were still in the apartment. Geez what was he going to be doing once we were actually in the exam room?

“Babe, you ready to go?”

He stopped pacing and replied, “Yeah, let’s go.” We laced our fingers and walked out to my car. I let him drive so that maybe it would calm his nerves. He had begun to finally relax until we pulled into the parking lot. He tensed up and began nervously shaking his leg in the car.

“Hey baby, relax its ok. Just the first visit, normal stuff ok?”

He smiled and kissed my lips. “Let’s do this.”

I gave the receptionist my name inside and I filled out a few papers. Make that a lot of papers. The waiting room smelt relaxing. I loved the smells and feels of a doctor’s office. The brown chairs were so comfortable I almost wished we could do everything out here. I was bound to get stares that way but it would be ok. Just as I was really settled and comfortable, the nurse called my name. I squeezed Trevor’s hand letting him know everything was just fine and we walked to the back. She did the routine blood pressure check and she asked a few more questions then told me the doctor would be right in.

Dr. Riley looked to be about in his mid 40‘s, the same age as my Uncle Gary. He warmly greeted us and congratulated us on expecting our first child. We sat there beaming like any proud parents to be would. I sat on the big table trying to get comfortable and he began explaining how we were going to try to hear the baby’s heartbeat through my belly and if we couldn’t he’d have to do it vaginally. I prayed we wouldn’t have to do that. He squirted the ultrasound goo onto my belly. It was so cool, I jumped. Trevor jerked his head to me then when he realized it was just the goo that made me jump, he held my hand and sat beside me and we watched Dr. Riley move the wand looking for our baby. There was silence as we watched the screen and then suddenly, we heard it. The heartbeat was strong. It brought immediate tears to my eyes and even Trevor had a tear sitting in his. This was an absolute miracle. This had to be true love right here. This moment. Staring at our baby on this little screen, nothing else mattered. We continued staring at the screen at our baby who was no bigger than a small peanut.

“You obviously are very early in your pregnancy Ms. Young, but here is your baby. I’ll take a picture of this screen for Copyright 2016 - 2024