Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,58

just happened maybe a few minutes ago.” He and Marcus did the bro hug and wandered off so Halley and I could talk.

“Macy I am so happy for you! Look at you turning into quite the young woman! I know I better be in your wedding!” See, I already knew that was coming.

“Of course, what kind of stupid question is that!” I hugged her tight. I still expected all of this to be a dream. Things were going too good but I swore not to think too much on it.

“So, um are you supposed to be working tonight? Because you know you can’t drink.” She made a very good point. I needed to get back down to earth and deal with real life. I still had to tell Uncle Gary too. I had no idea how that was going to go. Asking to date me was one thing, but for Trevor to say hey man I knocked up your niece and now we’re getting married, that was a totally different ballpark.

“Shit, yes I do. Gary doesn’t know Hales, I guess I need to go see him now and tell him. He has to hear it from me. I hope he doesn’t get mad.”

“Go see him now. I don’t think he will be mad. You just need to sit down with him and let him know the plan you guys have. He will understand I’m sure.” She always knew what to say. We walked to meet Marcus and Trevor and I whispered to Trevor that we needed to go see Gary like now, before tonight. After making sure we had what we were going to say, we got in our car and took what seemed like the longest drive ever. And Gary literally lived ten minutes from me.

“How do you think he’ll take the news Mace?”

“I hope not bad. I mean he’s hearing it first from us so it’s got to be a good sign right?”

He squeezed my hand reassuringly. “Yes baby. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

We pulled up at Gary’s house. He was still home. His truck was sitting in the driveway and he was standing outside so it was too late to try to back out now. He waved to us as we got out the car. My palms were sweaty and I tried my best to hide my ring so he didn’t see it right away. I was incredibly nervous, this was ridiculous. But a million questions were running through my head. What if he disowned me? Or fired me? Or plain just hated me? I wanted to disappear and we haven’t even said anything yet.

“Calm down Mace, it’s going to be ok.” Trevor whispered in my ear. I’m so glad he was confident because I was a mess.

“What are you kids up to? I don’t think I’ve ever had you two visit at the same time.” Gary already knew something was up. I could tell. “Come on in and have a seat.”

We sat on the couch and it felt like I were sitting on needles. That’s how bad my nerves were at the moment. “We just wanted to come by to visit Uncle Gary.”

I stared at his deer heads mounted on the wall and pictured my head being mounted right beside them after we made our announcement. Since he were my uncle I decided I needed to begin. “Well, we wanted to be the first to tell you, but I don’t want you to be upset, but it’s just..” Shit I was babbling uncontrollably and Gary was eyeing me suspiciously.

Trevor jumped in just as nervous but without all the babbling and replied, “Gary, sir, Macy and I are having a baby.”

Silence. Pure Silence. Uncle Gary was about to have both our heads mounted on the wall. I wondered if anyone would miss us.

“Is this true?” He looked at me and I grabbed the ultrasound picture for proof. He grabbed it from me and saw the ring. Ohmigod I’m about to be a dead woman. “Is this ring what I think it is?” I eyed his shot gun in the corner and all I could think about were the mounts.

“Yes sir. It is true. And I should have asked your permission first but I was just caught up in the moment and I asked her to marry me. I love her and I want to do this right. I want our family to be complete. That is of course, with your blessing.” I was forever indebted to Copyright 2016 - 2024