Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,48

jealous rant last night. Don't think I've forgotten."

Crap. Well so much for that. "I told you I'm sorry."

"I know and I'm not trying to rehash all of that I'm just saying I remember."

"Trust me I do too." I held my head hoping all this spinning would stop.

"Lie down I'll go get you an aspirin and some water." He threw on his clothes as soon as he found them.

He went into the kitchen and I grabbed my phone. Halley had sent a text asking if everything were ok. No lie I had responded saying we were trying to have sex leave me alone. I was mortified. Halley would never let me live this down. Ever. I texted her to tell her how sorry I was and that I was awake waiting on aspirin. A few minutes later she sent a smiley face and informed me she and Marcus had gone out for the day.

Trevor came back in with toast, coffee, and aspirin. Silently I thanked him then took the aspirin. After eating the toast I laid back down. Trevor lay beside me with one arm around my stomach.

"I love you Mace."

I mumbled, “love you too." My eyes closed and I was asleep once more.


Halley stood beside me shaking me violently. I jumped out of my skin, holding the comforter against myself. We were best friends but she surely didn't want to see me naked.

"Christ Halley! What the hell?!" My heart was pounding in my chest. "Where's Trevor? I thought you and Marcus had gone out for the day?"

She tapped her foot impatiently. "He's out with Marcus. I sent them out ok. Don't worry about it. And obviously we came back early." Her eyes moved over my situation and she let out a long exasperated sigh.

"Excuse me? Don't come in here with attitude. This is my room. You woke me up what do you want?" My tone came out a little more harshly than I intended it to but I mean really. She knows I'm not a morning person at all so she brought this upon herself. "Well get to talking."

Her lip pouted out and she glared at me for a moment. She'd rarely known me to get angry with her. "Look I'm sorry Mace. I just I'm freaking out."

This could be amusing. I'd never seen her this upset over anything since I’d known her. It must be serious.

"Do you want to talk here with me wrapped in a, uh, blanket or what?”

“This is fine Macy I promise. I just really need to talk. I’m glad everything is funny to you!”

My comforter about fell off my chest I was laughing so hard. I had to hold it up. She glared and replied, “Just get dressed. This isn’t funny.”

She turned her head long enough for me to throw on my bra, shirt, and shorts. She meant business. I tried my best to focus for her. So far the aspirin Trevor gave me was working. My best friend obviously needed me. I mean why else would you wake someone up scaring the hell out of them like this.

“Sit down Hales.”

“No I can’t.” Nervously she began pacing the room. Her hands kept sliding through her hair.

My hand reached out to hers and she stopped and looked at me with tears. She was always so strong. I could count on my hand the amount of times I’d seen her cry. She could probably count on her hands and feet all the times she’d seen me.

“Talk to me, what is wrong?”

“I, uh, I haven’t had my period yet.”

My eyes grew wide as my brain processed this information. Halley may be pregnant? What would Marcus say? Oh God.

“How late are you?” I grabbed her hand for comfort. I would help her in any way possible. Neither of us knew much about kids except that we were once one but I would be there.

“A few days. Not quite a week but I just, I’m freaking out. What if Marcus doesn’t want kids or doesn’t want to be with me. Ohmigod do we have to get married?! Shit Macy.”

Her babbling was making my head spin. I hugged her tight and she stopped talking and took a deep breath and let it out.

“It’s only been a few days. Are you stressed from work or anything? Just calm down and say nothing to Marcus ok? Do not say anything until you know for sure. Can you do that?”

She blinked the tears back and replied, “Yeah I can. I’ve just never been so Copyright 2016 - 2024