Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,47

say anything to me at this point.

We rode home in absolute silence. Just as we were about to pull into the apartment he grabbed my hand and broke the silence, “You should have said something Macy. I can’t believe you’d even think I would want her.”

My brain kept going fuzzy. The shots were going to my head. Trevor just said something but I had no idea what he had said. All I know is we were still sitting in the car and I loved the way he looked in the dark car. If only I could really find which face was his, they all were looking alike right now. I climbed onto his lap and opened his mouth with my tongue. He hesitated then kissed me back. I nibbled his ear lobe and whispered, “Take me upstairs and make love to me.”

Like nothing, he opened the door still holding me. My legs wrapped around his waist, my lips kissing his neck and lips. He opened the door and laid me on the bed. He looked at me and said, “I hate fighting with you. I love you so much.”

“Oh yeah, show me.” I felt like a daredevil. I was burning with desire for him. I had to have him right now.

He fumbled around with the button of my skirt but I grabbed his hand and slid it underneath. He grinned and slid my black lace panties off then the skirt. I removed my shirt with ease. He took in my body with his eyes then let his mouth explore. I moaned in pleasure begging him to take me now but he took his time. My head continued to spin but I was swimming in so much pleasure I didn’t care. His breathing was ragged. He wouldn’t let me touch him. I wanted to touch him so bad. He slid his fingers inside me and I almost screamed. I moved with the rhythm trying to reach his jeans. Finally I got ahold of the button and I undid the zipper. I reached inside his jeans for his length and ran my hand up and down. He moaned and tried to kick his jeans off.

“Please Trevor, I want you.”

With ease he slid into me and I moaned in delight. He took his time with me savoring every inch of me. He felt so amazing inside me. We moaned in release together and he rolled on the side of me and kissed my forehead.

“Don’t ever doubt how much I love you.”

I kept telling myself I trusted him. More than anything. I just didn't trust her. She'd never been in The Lounge before and she waltzed in like she owned the place.

This was our first test and I about got Halley in trouble.

"I'm so sorry Trevor. Can you forgive me? I jumped to conclusions. I was just crazy jealous and scared I'd lose you. I can't lose you." Tears filled my eyes and I let them fall.

"Baby you won't lose me. Ever."


"Cross my heart." He actually crossed his heard with his finger then held me.

I lay there content taking the whole moment in. He was everything to me. I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like without Trevor there. This was all surreal with him and there wasn’t a single moment that passed where I wasn’t absolutely thankful for him. His arms were my safe place. Within a few minutes I was sound asleep.

Chapter 11

The next morning felt like a giant blur. My head felt like a million bombs exploded during my sleep. A hangover great. I didn't want to hear any noise. The bird chirping outside my window made me want to scream. Trevor was still sleeping thank god but his snoring was enough to make me want to smother him with the pillow.

The breeze felt cool. I never get cold when I'm sleeping. I'm always comfortable. Great Macy, your naked. Does this mean Trevor forgave me for the episode with that bitch at The Lounge? That was one thing I could scratch off my list. I slowly began to get up so I could get dressed and attempt to cure this horrible hangover.

His hand reached around my waist and pulled me back down onto the bed. My head just started to feel normal. Ugh. It was spinning again.

"Good morning Mace." His words were soft and his smile was welcoming. Maybe I had been forgiven.

"Morning. Thank you for whispering."

"Serves you right. You wouldn't be hung over if you didn't pull your little Copyright 2016 - 2024