Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,46

together so he’d have to talk to me. People were leaving and I pretty much assumed that it was time to close. Surprisingly I had done my job correctly. I didn’t want to hear Gary bitch at me for being irresponsible by downing drinks like they were water when I was working..

I could hear Marcus, Halley, and Trevor around the corner arguing. Dammit. Time to face the music. This wasn’t all Halley’s fault. She stepped in to help me.

“Halley what the hell was that all about? You’re lucky you didn’t get kicked out. You can’t just walk up to women and bash their face into the table. She could press charges.” Marcus practically had steam coming out of his ears. Trevor looked just as pissed but he wasn’t saying anything. He was waiting for me I know he was.

“Marcus it’s not like that hear me out....”

I walked up and cut her off. “Marcus, don’t blame her it’s my fault. She just did what I asked her to.” I refused to let Halley take the fall for this.

Marcus looked between the two of us and then back to Halley. “Is this true? Macy put you up to this?”

“Yes, Marcus I put her up to this,” I replied. Halley didn’t get to answer. She just nodded her head.

“Well then you two,” he pointed at me and Trevor, “need to talk. I don’t like getting in arguments with Halley because of you two. So whatever it is figure it out.” Halley mouthed she was sorry to me and he put his arm around her waist and they walked off.

I stood in front of Trevor too ashamed to look at him. Never did the consequences of my actions cross my mind. My hand reached for his and he moved his hand away from mine. Tears began forming and I blinked them back.

“Trevor, I uh..”

He was angry. “You what Macy? You screwed up? You embarrassed me? You’re drunk. You smell like you’ve bathed in it tonight. What is wrong with you?” He was practically yelling at me. No one yelled at me. No matter how much I screwed up, no one ever yelled. The tears I fought to hold in were now falling down my cheeks uncontrollably. I couldn’t speak, but I prayed my feet could move because right now I wanted nothing more than to run far away from here.

I spun on my heel to walk away but he grabbed my arm, trying to get me to stay. “Mace, talk to me. You’re not walking away from this conversation.”

“What do you want me to say Trevor? I screwed up ok. Shit happens. You weren’t exactly looking away from her tits. Go take her home since you enjoyed the show so much. I’m done.” I practically screamed at him to show him he’s not the only one who can yell.

“You’re done? You nearly cause a fight in the bar that your uncle owns and you’re done? Why did Halley and that girl fight? Answer me.”

I didn’t want him to know the truth but I spit it out, “Because she walked up to me at the bar like she owned the damn place and told me she was going to steal you away and I’d be yesterday’s news. I didn’t trust her then and I asked Halley to watch her for me. Then she flashed you and I watched you stare at her.”

“You think I want her? Just because she flashed me?” His tone sounded hurt but I didn’t care.

“Look my head is spinning because yes, as you put it I am drunk and I have been bathing in it because I couldn’t handle tonight.” My words were beginning to slur more than normal and I felt my legs almost turn to jello but I held my own.

“Why didn’t you just talk to me?”

“You were busy Trevor. Playing your songs.” I mocked an air guitar and he shot me a look. “I can’t just waltz onto the stage and pull you down when I have a problem. You can’t be there all the time. Look can we leave. I don’t want my uncle hearing everything and frankly I’m ready to go home.”

He grabbed my hand and we began walking. I stopped at the bar for one more shot on the way home. I needed it to finish numbing myself for the fight it seemed we were in for. He shot me an unhappy look but didn’t say anything. I’m pretty sure he knew better than to Copyright 2016 - 2024