Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,45

I get a beer for Marcus and a well a beer for me too?” I rolled my eyes and gave them to her. Gary usually let us all drink on him. I assumed this night was no different than any other. “You ok? What’s wrong I know that look?”

I pointed towards chunky and whispered, “See that bitch over there. Keep an eye on her. She had the nerve to ask who Trevor was and when I told her he’s my boyfriend she said he will forget all about me when he sees what she has to offer. I wanted to kill her. I still do. Ugh and of course I’m working tonight.”

Halley noticed the girl and practically snarled at her. Chunky hadn’t turned back around in a while. “I’ve got my eye on her, don’t worry. Do you want me to stay at the bar by you?”

That wouldn’t work. I needed defenses up everywhere. Operation stop chunky was going into effect. “No, Hales that won’t work. I need you up there keeping a closer eye on her. Who knows what she’s capable of? I can’t kill her from over here but you can kill her up there.”

She began laughing but stopped when she saw I wasn’t even smiling. This would be squashed. It had to be. This girl was not coming in and taking over what was mine. “I’ve got you. Don’t worry about her.” I blinked back a few tears that were trying to form. She touched my arm and continued, “He’s not going anywhere Mace. I won’t let her near him.” She squeezed my hand and walked toward the front where Trevor was just taking the stage. I downed shot four and continued to glare at the girl who was threatening to ruin all my happiness.

Chapter 10

The crowd was going wild for the band tonight. After about three songs, Marcus did a drum solo and I could hear Halley whistling at him. She loved watching Marcus perform. She was so proud of him. And he was pretty damn good at what he did. Chunky was still sitting in front. Her eyes were on Trevor. I glanced toward him and his eyes met mine. He smiled and blew a kiss. I stared at him. I couldn’t return it. I was lucky to be seeing straight at this point. The green shirt he wore tonight fit him perfectly. I could make out the definition in his abs. Those were my abs and chunky was looking at them. I hated her. If my uncle didn’t own this bar and I wasn’t afraid of him I’d go hit her. Trevor looked at me concerned. My eyes felt dark and empty. All emotion was pushed aside. I tried though. Tried to smile at him. It was just hard knowing she was down there.

I waited on customer after customer. The tip jar was filling up, it was a good night. It was definitely keeping me busy. The guys started playing ‘Crazy Bitch’ by Buckcherry. The crowd got even wilder. More people were up front and that gave me a break that I needed badly. Some were dancing. Everyone was having a good time. Then it happened.

Halley was in her positioned spot keeping an eye on chunky. Trevor began singing the song and I could see both girls singing along. I fixed a few drinks constantly keeping my eye on them. I turned to tell Gary something when I heard a bunch of hollering. I turned to see the chunky bitch’s breasts flopping around. She was flashing the band and Trevor sure wasn’t turning away. I watched her head turn and look at me. That evil grin was flashing in my direction and I wanted to puke all over the bar. Shots five and six came back to back. Halley jumped up and confronted the girl. She slapped Halley in the face. Halley retaliated and slammed the girls head into the table. She put her shirt back on and backed off. I tried to leave my post and go meet Halley, it wasn’t working. My brain and my feet weren’t cooperating. I fell flat on my face when I tried to move. Scrambling to get back on my feet, I watched chunky walk out the door and I cheered silently on the inside. I win, always.


I have no idea when the first set ended and the second began. I had taken too many shots and he never came up to me that night. We rode Copyright 2016 - 2024