Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,49

worried in my life. I don’t know what to think. I mean work’s been crazy busy and you know I’m up for that promotion. I’m just basically waiting to hear if I got it or not.”

“I start in about two weeks. If you haven’t started by then, then you can freak out and we’ll buy a test.”

“Ok, I can do this.” She put on her best smile ready to face whatever came her way. I know if she were to be pregnant she would make a wonderful mother. Marcus would stand by her I know he would. He was an amazing guy. He wouldn’t leave her like that.

The doorknob turned and in came Marcus and Trevor. Halley had sent them out for donuts. The sweet aroma hit my nose and I ran into the kitchen to grab one. Trevor stopped my arm and held it.

“Hey baby. You feeling better now?” Was that a stupid question? There were donuts and I wanted one. He kissed my lips and whispered in my ear, “I forgive you for last night. I swear I didn’t mean to look at her. I only want to look at you forever.”

Forever? Oh my. That was a long time. “Well that sounds good to me. Now get outta my way baby.” I playfully pushed him aside and grabbed the first chocolate covered one I saw. It tasted like heaven.

Trevor kissed my cheek and nibbled my lip. “You had some chocolate sorry.” He so wasn’t sorry. His sly grin gave that away. My oh my I loved this man. “What do you want to do today?”

“Lie in bed and be lazy.”

Halley stood by Marcus nibbling on a donut. I could tell she was still worked up over our talk just a few minutes ago. Marcus placed his arm around her and kissed her cheek. Instantly it seemed all her worries vanished. She grinned and looked at me. I winked and gave her a big smile. No matter what were to happen she would definitely be ok.

The band wasn’t playing tonight and Gary had given me the night off. I was thankful for that. After the events of last night, I needed a break from the bar. I felt sore. It had to be from my fall trying to get to that bitch. Oh well, I won. He was with me. Not her. He would never be with her.

Trevor leaned over and whispered again, “Get dressed I want to take you somewhere.”

Smiling, I darted off to get dressed. This would be good for Halley and Marcus too. They needed alone time so that maybe she could relax around him and not be so tense wondering whether or not she was pregnant. I peeked out my window. Most of the people I saw were wearing shorts. I figure it must be warm out. My blue jean shorts were lying in a pile on the floor. I’d bought them from Express a few weeks back. I remember that trip because Halley begged to walk in there and reluctantly I followed complaining the entire time and I fell in love with how these shorts fit me. I quickly stopped complaining and bought them. I even bought a three quarter sleeve shirt that she said I just had to have. The pink V-neck shirt looked amazing, I have to admit. I threw it on and sprayed my favorite perfume. I applied makeup to ensure I didn’t look entirely dead from last night and brushed my hair. I really loved having wavy hair when it lay just right. I slid on my charm bracelet. I was officially ready for the day.

I sauntered out to the kitchen looking for my flip flops. “Ohmigod I told you that shirt and shorts were amazing on you!” Halley was beaming at her expertise. I had to give her total credit for this.

“Yes, thank you!” I spun around modeling the outfit and Trevor whistled. He grabbed my hand and we all said our good byes.

Where was he taking me? It was a beautiful day so the possibilities were endless. “I thought we could walk, is that ok?” Ok it was somewhere close. I had no idea where he was thinking.

“Sure baby, whatever you want.”

We walked hand in hand a few blocks down and came up to Molly’s shop. He stopped in front and we walked inside. What charms could he possibly be buying now? The last one was his heart and unless there was one for crazy girlfriend then I Copyright 2016 - 2024