Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,30

was going to happen. Waiting to be able to eat it. Trevor continued. “I know you have your rule about us not getting involved with each other because of the backlash it could bring but with all due respect, I would like your permission to see your niece. I swear I’ll never hurt her or doing anything to hurt your bar. It’s my second home.”

Gary kept watching him, still scratching his goatee I guess to see if he were finally done talking. “You done talking, son?”

They were making me nervous. My palms were beginning to sweat and I was utterly scared for what may happen. Maybe we would both be out of a job by the time this who thing ended. So much for anyone being a good luck charm. Trevor replied, “Yes sir.”

Gary looked at me but I was too intimidated to meet his eyes. “Macy, are you sure you’re ready for something like this. You know I’m only protecting you but you are a grown woman and I can’t protect you forever. I won’t stand in your way if this is something you want.”

I took a deep breath and met his eyes and replied quietly, “He knows everything Uncle Gary. That’s why Mom called earlier. Did she tell you she left him? She said you knew. She even said she’s going to call a lawyer and see about filing charges.” My brain told me not to sound too excited but I couldn’t help it. Things finally seemed to take a turn for the better. This was long overdue for me.

“She didn’t tell me all that but it’s about time she left that asshole. I could have killed him but you were more important to me. The jail wouldn’t have been able to handle me.” He smiled at me and squeezed my hand and changed the subject. “But you didn’t answer me if you’re sure you want this with Trevor.”

Without hesitation, my eyes stayed with his and I replied, “I do. If I didn’t think we could make something work then I wouldn’t even try. I know your rule so I am fully prepared to go look for a job. Please don’t make the band leave.”

Trevor smiled at me as if he couldn’t believe I just said all that. Gary replied, “You two are adults. I hope I’m not cursing myself by saying this but I think you two can make it work and not run my bar into a hole. I’ve seen how you two look at each other for a while now. I may be old but I’m not stupid. Don’t make me regret this decision though.”

I couldn’t help but laugh and I got up and threw my arms around my uncles’ neck. He really was the best. “Thank you so much for everything!”

“Gary, thanks man. We won’t let you down.”

Gary looked at Trevor with a serious look on his face and said, “I’m serious you hurt her, I’ll hunt you down and that’s a promise. This is my baby girl.” He set his hand on my shoulder and watched Trevor.

“Yes sir. You have my word.”

This whole day definitely was a dream now. I never thought in a million years that my uncle would allow this but yet he had. Having his trust was so important to me. I wanted nothing more than to be able to prove to him that I was fully capable of being an adult. I tried to open my mouth to say something but none of the words would come out.

Gary stood up and said, “Enjoy your day, you both better be at work tomorrow.”

We all laughed and he left. We finally began to eat our food. The bowl of gumbo was still warm and it took no time to devour it. The town was right; it was amazing but still not as good as Gary’s. Trevor leaned over and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I don’t know if I ever believed in happy endings before but I prayed there was such a thing. A happy ending for this screwed up life was exactly what I needed.

Chapter 7

Trevor and I had been officially seeing each other for about two months now. It had also been about a month since I’d heard from my mom. Can’t say I was shocked or anything. I expected nothing less from her. Honestly I didn’t expect her to call on a regular basis all of a sudden. At least there was something positive in my Copyright 2016 - 2024