Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,29

amazing. I could eat sandwiches any time. Doesn’t matter that we just had poboys for lunch, but they did have gumbo on the menu so I was more than happy to order a bowl of chicken and sausage gumbo. I’d heard good things about it from people around town. He pulled my chair out for me and I sat. The waitress came to take our order then quickly came back with our drinks. I was just getting ready to thank him yet again for everything he’d done so far when a very familiar voice said my name. Surely it wasn’t what who I thought it was. Please anyone but him. Any other day I would be ok with it being him, just not today please. Slowly, I turned to see my Uncle Gary standing right behind me.

Oh great. This wasn’t happening either. Maybe this whole entire day was a dream. Trevor and I never went to the park this morning and Mom never called and talked to me and he sure as hell didn’t know my past and this moment just wasn’t happening right now. Gary was not in this same café standing right behind me. Part of me wanted to play stupid and have a Spanish moment and say ‘No hable’. That typically worked with Halley when I didn’t want to tell her something. She would just roll her eyes and walk away pissed at me but knowing my luck though Gary would slap me out of my chair. Trevor nudged my leg under the table and gave me a suggestive look that I needed to talk to my uncle and possibly we could sort all this now. As bad as I wanted to, I was wondering if it were worth all the potential trouble that we were about to cause. Either Trevor or I would be out of a job and I was ready to fight for Trevor until the end. I wouldn’t let him not be able to play at The Lounge. It made him happy and if it came down to it then I already knew I’d have to find a real job. I drew several deep breaths trying to figure out how to begin talking or what to even say. We could always say we were just out eating as friends and nothing has happened between us. Nothing has happened though, just a few hot kisses. A few hot, amazing kisses.

I decided to turn ever so slightly and my eyes met Uncle Gary’s. I couldn’t read his expression at all and that scared me. I stared at his newly grown salt and peppered goatee trying to figure out how to start this conversation. He’s always had a mustache but recently thought he’d extend his facial hair. The look was good on him, he looked like he was in the pre-grandpa stage. He never married or had kids though, so the only chance of little kids coming around would be from me. He was a war veteran. That’s all he ever had time for, it was his life until The Lounge. “Hey, Uncle Gary. What are you up to today?”

He eyed Trevor and I rather suspiciously, scratching his chin then replied, “Just grabbing something to eat. What about you guys? Anything you guys need to talk to me about?” He was still eyeing both of us. He was no fool.

I gulped and hoped no one could hear it. It seemed so loud to me. “Do you want to sit down with us?” He looked at Trevor for second and sat down.

“Trevor.” Gary wore the most serious expression on his face. Part of me waited for the bloodshed to begin. We’d probably get kicked out of the café and banned for life, if we made it out alive.

“Gary.” Trevor stuck out his hand and Uncle Gary hesitated before shaking his hand. The bloodshed hadn’t begun yet. I crossed my fingers and prayed it wouldn’t. Trevor began speaking, “I don’t want to play any games Gary. I respect you so much, you gave our band a home and I appreciate that more than you know. Macy and I have not been sneaking around behind your back; we just began seeing each other today.” He stopped to see if Gary wanted to sneak a word in but he didn’t. The waitress sat our food down and walked off but neither of us touched it. My gumbo smelt so delicious, I just stared at the bowl waiting to see what Copyright 2016 - 2024