Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,28

occasionally I’ll buy you a new one to add on. This will be our own special thing. I can be your good luck charm, always with you.” He grabbed a guitar charm. “This will remind you of me.” And then he grabbed a beer mug charm. They seriously had those. I tried not to laugh. He was being so seriously sweet about this. “And this is for my favorite bartender. That’s you by the way.” I burst out laughing over his jokes he seemed to be having. He said only one or two today but he grabbed one more that was shaped like a microphone. “This is for your music you sing. Like a bird.” I blushed as he drug me towards the counter. This was beautiful but also unnecessary, I didn’t need a gift, for crying out loud I was shoving him out the door just earlier. He paid the lady a number I just looked appalled at and we walked out.

Once we were outside, it was then I was able to fully look at it. The only bracelets I’d ever owned were cheap trinket bangle things. This was definitely an upgrade. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to accept this. “Thank you so much Trevor I love it. You didn’t have to buy that for me.”

He stopped and leaned in to kiss my forehead. “Don’t be silly Mace, I wanted to. I want to give you nice things.”

I blinked back a few tears that were beginning to form again and grabbed his hand. “I’m sorry. I, it’s just, you, your still here. You didn’t leave earlier.” I admit I was baffled and I probably shouldn’t be questioning him but part of me couldn’t help it. The way I grew up as I got old enough for relationships, no one stayed around because I didn’t let them. I didn’t have time for that.

He lifted my chin up and our eyes met. “I already told you, I’m not going anywhere. I don’t want to be anywhere you aren’t.”

I stood there and waited patiently for someone to jump out of the bushes laughing telling me that I had fallen for the prank and it was all just a joke. You know like that old show with Ashton Kutcher? My eyes searched his and everything about them told me he was serious. If this wasn’t a joke, then it had to be a dream. That’s it. I figured it out. I used my free arm to try to pinch my other arm and he started laughing. “Macy, what in the world are you doing?”

I actually pinched my arm. Ouch, that hurt. Trevor was still watching me. I laughed at him and then replied, “I was checking to see if this was a dream. There is no way this is real.”

He was still laughing at me because well I‘m sure I did look pretty ridiculous standing on the sidewalk pinching my arm. “Well what do I need to do to you to prove that it’s real? I’ll do anything you want me to show you I am dead serious. You have no idea how long I’ve been watching you and wanting you. And now that I have you, I’m not letting you go.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “I don’t care about your past. That’s why it’s the past. It’s over. You can’t undo it but I mean look at you. You’re an amazing woman. I know we could make us work, and well your Uncle Gary is just a hurdle we will have to get over but I think if we sat down with him and talked to him like adults it would work.” Everything he just said sounded just like the dream I had before I had waken up.

Wow, he had a whole plan. I was still trying to convince myself this was still a dream while we began walking to another cafe a block away. There were so many different places to eat down here, but of course we ended back up somewhere that had sandwiches. Maybe they had gumbo here, that would be really good. I glanced at my bracelet and smiled. I absolutely loved it and I vowed to only take it off to wash dishes and shower. The cafe was small and quaint. There were maybe twenty tables in there. They had the best sandwiches I’d ever tasted anywhere. I don’t know if it was the provolone cheese or the sweet bread but they were Copyright 2016 - 2024