Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,27


“Ok, thanks girl. I do feel better already.” I smiled at her and walked back to my room.

He was still asleep. I sat beside him watching him continue to sleep so peacefully. I really would have thought he would have left the minute I passed out. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. His eyes peered open and he smiled.

“I fell asleep too?”

“Looks that way, huh?” I was trying to just slightly grin but I couldn’t help it. I had a full smile across my face. Smiling felt actually good considering I’d done nothing lately but cry. Crying was something I was definitely tired of doing. Finally I believed I could put the tears behind me and move on.

He laughed then grabbed my hand lacing my fingers with his. I didn’t stop him. It felt right for once. “Hey what do you say we get out of here today?” I decided to take Halley’s advice. God knows I needed out of this room after the way the day had been so far.

“You sure? I’m perfectly ok with staying here if that’s what you want to do today. We can watch movies and order pizza, anything you want babe.”

I tried to keep my blushing to a minimum but I couldn’t help it. No one had ever called me babe before. So many emotions swirled around and I just couldn’t decipher any of them. “That sounds fun but I’d like to just get some fresh air.” I glanced at him then quickly added, “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

He lightly squeezed my hand and replied, “I want to be wherever you are. Is that ok with you?”

“Let’s get out of here.” I gave him a big grin and met his lips for a quick kiss. Before I could pull away, he pulled me closer and kissed me back with so much passion it made me weak. Good thing we were already sitting. When our kiss ended we stood up together and met for one more kiss and he hugged me like he were never going to let me go. I would be perfectly ok with that.

“Where to?” He asked with a sexy smirk on his face.

“Anywhere is fine with me.” The answer was short and sweet. Hand in hand we headed out the bedroom, gave a quick wave to Halley and Marcus. She was grinning from ear to ear. She couldn’t hide her excitement for us at all. She shooed us out with her hands and with that we left the apartment.

It was such a beautiful day that we decided to walk. The apartment was located in an area that was in walking distance to at least one park, several small cafes and a few little cottage type shops. Honestly, I would be content wherever we ended up. Most likely it would be the park again, but I was a little nervous about a park because of how our first park date had gone just a few hours earlier. Things had changed since then though. So much had changed in the last mere hours and he was still here holding my hand. I never expected him to still be here but he was.

He led me into a small shop called Molly’s Trinkets and Things that sold a lot of, well, trinket jewelry. Halley and I always walked past it but I’d never been in. I never had been much of a jewelry person even though I admired all of it, especially the fleur de lis earrings and necklaces. I gave him a puzzled look that he didn’t notice and started looking around. He pulled me towards a charm bracelet hanging on a little display.

“I want to buy you something.” He said wearing the most adorable smirk on his face. It would be so hard to tell him no, how could anyone tell that face no?

“Trevor, no I can’t accept anything from you.” My eyes were bugging out of my head. I stared outside wandering if I made my way outside, if he would follow and forget about this insane idea of his.

“Yes you can. Don’t argue with me silly. Look at this charm bracelet. It’s beautiful and I think it would look gorgeous on you.” He grabbed it and placed it around my wrist and started looking at different charms. He moved gracefully around the display looking at different ones and putting back what he didn’t like. “We will get you a charm or two today and then Copyright 2016 - 2024