Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,26

more times over that year. She never believed me. I wanted to die every time he walked in. There were a few times I actually contemplated whether or not taking my life would be easier or not. One day I finally called Gary and he told me if I left he could pick me up and I could stay with him. I left everything behind. I didn’t want anything from that house. That’s why I’m here. Obviously I never moved in with Gary because I lived in the dorm but he was my backup plan so that I never had to go back to that house ever again.”

I searched his face for any expression that might show he would laugh at me or leave, but instead he wiped the tears from my face and replied, “Macy, I’m so sorry. I know that wasn’t easy for you. You didn’t have to tell me.”

“I know, but eventually you’d need to know. I didn’t want to keep hiding it from you and lie. I understand if you never want to see me again.” I choked the words out because there was the possibility when he walked out this door he wouldn’t be back.

“Why would I never want to see you again? Because of some sick pervert? That’s not your fault.”

“I should have left sooner.” I was crying again unable to hold the tears back and he kissed my forehead trying to offer some sort of comfort.

“You wanted her to believe you. I mean that’s your mom. I don’t blame you. Don’t blame yourself, it’s not your fault. I’ve got you, I’m here don’t worry.” He sounded very convincing but I was too nervous to let my guard down.

I practically snorted in his face, “I’m screwed up Trevor. What do you want with me?”

“I don’t care about your past Macy. All I care about is now and the future. The rest of that doesn’t matter. We’re here now in this moment and it’s all that counts.” A few stray tears were falling and he kissed my cheeks where they lay against my fair skin. I sunk down and laid my head in his lap and he ran his fingers through my hair and before I fell asleep I swore I heard him say everything was going to be ok.

When I awoke I noticed Trevor had fallen asleep too. Wait, he was still here? He heard everything and he was still here. I maneuvered the best I could to not wake him. I grabbed a shirt and some shorts and hurried and got out of the bathrobe I realized I was still wearing. He looked so peaceful lying there. Sleeping like a baby. I decided I could wake him in a few minutes. I opened the door to go get a drink hoping the coast would be clear but Halley and Marcus were watching TV. My eyes were bloodshot from crying and well probably also because I had fallen asleep for a little while and when she noticed she got up, grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room.

She shut the door to her room and looked in my eyes. “Mace, you ok.”

“My, uh, mom called earlier. We talked.” Her eyes got huge. She knew Mom and I never talked. “She, uh, left him. She knows everything now.”

“Ohmigod.”Her eyes were filling up with tears. She knew what this meant to me. Dammit, I wish she’d stop. I was tired of crying. “What now?”

“She’s supposed to call a lawyer and see about pressing charges on him if it’s not too late.”

“Hell no it’s not too late. I hope that bastard fries for what he did to you. Does, uh he know?” She pointed back towards my room where Trevor lay sleeping for now.

I looked up at her and replied, “Yes. He saw me freak out and start crying, I felt he needed to know and hear it from me now rather than later. I didn’t know if he’d overheard anything between the crying and Mom yelling, so I just told him. I mean if we ever do become more he would have to know anyway. Halley, he didn’t leave. We actually both fell asleep.”

“Mace, Trevor’s a good guy. Maybe one day you can give him a chance. Now that your mom knows and believes everything now maybe you can finally move on with your life.” She gave me a hug. “Go wake him up and you guys get out of here and catch some fresh Copyright 2016 - 2024