Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,31

life right now. We started hanging out a lot with Halley and Marcus either going to eat or sitting around the apartment. Everything at The Lounge stayed the same. I still sang karaoke in between taking shots and the band playing. When Trevor wasn’t performing, he was glued by my side. Gary really did trust us and he never gave us any problems. I never imagined he would have been so amazing about all this. Believe it or not, I hadn’t been drinking as much as I used to. I still enjoyed myself whether I was drinking or not, but I never left and woke up unable to remember anything. Trevor brought a much needed peace to my life and every day I was more and more thankful for that. He had been so patient with me in the past two months. He brought no pressure to our relationship at all. He just enjoyed me and us hanging out. Most guys would have started complaining by now but not Trevor. I was glad he was so understanding.

He called me earlier and said he wanted to see me before we went to The Lounge. This was a normal affair but his voice had a rather excited tone to it. I had no idea what he was up to but I could tell he had something up his sleeve. He asked if he could pick me up so I told Halley that she and Marcus could go ahead and leave. I had just finished spraying my wavy hair when I heard a knock at the door. I had decided to pull it half back tonight; I was pretty pleased with the way it turned out. I opened the door to find Trevor standing in the doorway wearing a cheesy smile. “Hey beautiful. I missed you.”

“It’s only been a few hours silly.”

“I know, forgive me, but I’m crazy about this girl. I can’t stand being away from her. Maybe you know her? She’s about well, she’s average height I guess you could say and she has this amazing smile and these beautiful eyes. The girl can sing. I’m telling you, like knock your socks kind of singing. Tell me you know her or I just may die.” The cocky grin on his face about made me think he was really crazy and not just about me. Crazy in general, crazy like I’m going to call the mental ward.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. “I missed you too. I’m not sure if I know her though. She sounds amazing I must say.” He leaned in and kissed my lips. My arms wrapped around his neck and I let myself get lost for a brief moment.

He pulled away and asked, “So can I come in, or you going to make me stand outside?” Damn, I’d forgotten my manners again. I just couldn’t resist those soft lips of his.

“You shouldn’t be kissing me. Don’t you need to find this girl you were telling me about?”

He kissed my cheek and made a trail down my neck then back up to where he started. His lips brushed over mine just lightly enough to make sparks fly and he whispered, “I just found her thank God. So you going to let me in or what?”

My breathing was ragged as I looked up at him trying to find the words to say when all I wanted to do was kiss those lips. Finally I took a breath and replied,“Well of course!”

He walked in and embraced me in another long hard kiss. He made all my insides melt. His hand brushed against my back and rubbed along the hem of my shirt. That’s as far as he took it. He didn’t try to feel me up anymore, but sometimes I wish he would try just a little more. His touch was electrifying to me. Our kiss ended and he led me to the couch.

“Sit by me, Mace.” I sat on the lumpy couch that I usually tried to avoid sitting on and he looked at my bracelet. “Can I see your bracelet?”

“Oh, uh sure.” I removed the bracelet and placed it in his hand. He pulled a small black jewelry box out of his pocket and opened it. There was a charm inside of the box sitting so neatly. The charm was shaped like a heart. I let out a small gasp. I wasn’t quite sure what he was saying but a heart was something pretty serious.

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