Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,23

and just looked at me. I owed him an apology and so much more. I never should have treated him like I did earlier and he actually came back. I opened my mouth to speak and my phone rang. Great, who was it and what did they want? My mom's name lit up the screen and I immediately hit ignore. A minute later it rang again, she was never this persistent but she was soon going to figure out that I didn't want to speak to her. Hell, she’d gone six months without talking to me, a few more minutes wasn't going to kill her. Not even two minutes later a text came through from my uncle that stated: “Answer her call please kiddo." I told myself I would only answer because Uncle Gary asked me to. Not even a few seconds later the phone rang again. What was the deal today?

Trevor looked at my phone then at me, “You going to get that?"

"Uh, yeah, uh sure hold on please, I'm so sorry." I stammered and fumbled to hit the talk button. My mom and I didn't talk much since I left. There was nothing to say. There was the occasional call here and there which most of them were ignored. She took her husband’s side over mine and refused to believe what he did. I had removed her from my life that day. She should have taken my side but instead she left me hurting inside, I honestly had nothing at all to say to her. "Hello,” I answered in a rather flat tone.

"Hey baby. How are you I miss you." She actually sounded sincere but I kept my guard up though. I couldn't fall for anything she said, I refused to. She was attempting a conversation with me as if nothing ever happened.

"I'm ok. Why do you keep calling?" I answered flatly. This conversation needed to end so I could handle the Trevor situation.

"Macy, baby, I know you've been hurting,” she started sniffling and then continued, "I'm so sorry I never believed you before. I wanted to let you know that I left him. I never knew he was sneaking in your room all that time and I wish I had listened to you and stopped him before I lost you. I know it's probably too late to come back into your life and I would like forgiveness but I understand if you can't give that to me just yet."

There was silence for a minute and then shakily, I laid the phone down on the bed and buried my head in my hands and cried. These were tears that couldn’t be contained no matter how strong I wanted or tried to be. They always found a way out. This couldn’t be happening. I wasn’t reliving any of this in front of freaking Trevor. Maybe I fell asleep again, but I knew I was wide awake. I felt an arm cautiously reach around me and pull me closer and I suddenly remembered that Trevor was in the room. Mortified, I prayed he wasn't able to hear anything on the other end of the phone. I lifted my head and looked at him with a tear stained face and offered a tiny smile as a thank you and then reached for my phone.

"Macy, are you there?"

I sobbed out, "Yes, sorry about that." Trying to contain my tears was much harder than I thought. Suddenly I was thankful for waterproof mascara. "You already told Gary?"

"Yes. He told me not to force myself back into your life because you are still hurt and I promise I won't. Not until you are ready."

"Ok." Just when I thought my emotions had stabilized I began sobbing into the phone. There were so many questions that needed to be answered for my sake. "Mom, why didn't you believe me sooner? Things could have been so much better for me, for you. I wanted to kill him sometimes. Why..why.." I had so much hatred locked away inside from all this. So much hatred for her, hatred for him, hatred in general towards anyone. Why did she think she could just come back into my life and say she left him? Was I supposed to forgive and forget? Was it that easy?

"Baby girl, I'm so sorry." There were tears on both ends of the phone and I suddenly wished she were there in person so I could hug her. My defenses began to fall, after all she was Copyright 2016 - 2024