Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,22

out the door. No way would I sit there humilitated.

He stared at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes. I was hurting him, I knew it and it was written all over his face. "You should probably leave Trevor."

"Macy, no. Talk to me. You were fine earlier and then all of a sudden you just turned. I just don't understand. You think I wasn't listening when you sang last night? You never sing songs like that. I'm a lot of things Macy Young, but I'm no fool." He was right. I never sang sappy love songs. Those were usually reserved for the drunks, and they always seemed to butcher them into a million pieces. It was something most people tended to cover their ears for.

I so badly wanted to ask him if he listened to the song, why didn’t he come up to me after I sang it. He claims to know exactly what I was singing about but he didn’t act on it. He walked away. I took a deep breath, got up and walked towards the front door, opened it and looked at him with cold, hateful eyes. "Please go."

He slowly peeled himself off our tan couch and walked up to me. He tried to touch my arm and I turned away from him. My eyes refused to meet with his; no matter how hard he tried, I couldn't bring myself to see what I was doing to him. And if I met his eyes, I may take all this back and give in. His head hung and he walked out the door. The door shut before I could blink and I locked it before I could chase him and beg for forgiveness. I walked to the bathroom, ran the hottest bath and lay there and cried.


Halley was banging on the door like she'd lost her mind screaming at me. "MACY!! ARE YOU OK PLEASE SAY SOMETHING, I'VE BEEN TRYING TO CALL YOU!"

Shit, I'd fallen asleep in the bathtub. She was bound to slap me when I walked out. "Ohmigod Hales, I fell asleep hold on give me a second." I stumbled out the bathtub and threw my robe on. I unlocked the door and there stood Halley rather unamused with Trevor next to her wearing the same look on his face too. Great, what was he doing here? Getting thrown out wasn’t good enough the first time I guess.

"Macy what the hell? I ran into Trevor down the road and he was talking about how worried he was about you and I get home and you didn't answer while I was calling for you. Do you have any idea how worried I was?! Do you even care?"

I glared at Trevor practically shooting daggers at him and he hung his head. "Halley can I talk to you privately, please?" I tapped my foot impatiently and she followed me. "I'm sorry." I shut the door and she just stared.

"What the hell happened with Trevor? He looks so upset."

"We had lunch." She was now gawking at me; I remembered that I never told her we were having lunch. "And I was having fun but it's all a mistake nothing can happen with us. I left and he followed me like a crazy person and I made him leave."

She opened her mouth to speak then stopped. She stared into my eyes. "I understand Macy but you have to open up eventually. How often do we have to have this talk? He looks crushed out there. What happened to you isn't fair to him. He really likes you."

"He doesn’t know me Halley. All he sees is my face, he doesn’t see anything else. Do you know what it's like, huh do you?" I glared at her daring her to tell me she understood because she knew as well as I did that she had no idea what it was like to have someone take everything from you.

"No I don't but you can't let it keep consuming your life."

Huffing and puffing, I glared at her,"Look if I talk to him will you leave me alone?"

"Yes, get dressed and then he can come in here and talk with you. I'm not saying tell him all your life's problems but just talk to him. Obviously you two have something brewing that you can't just leave alone."

We hugged then she walked out and before I could even get my robe off my eyes caught Trevor's. I motioned him in and said, "Please sit down."

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