Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,19

chuckled, "Sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you."

"You didn’t, it was just really sweet." It was. Nothing like that has ever happened before to me. No guy had ever even attempted it, but then I never gave them the chance.

"Good." He looked relieved as he let out a long breath. "You hungry?"

"Ohmigod I’m starving." I gave him a big smile then reached up to peck his cheek. I could probably get used to this, if I could ever put the past behind. That was going to take quite a bit of work.

"Good me too." He smiled and brushed his hair from his bluish gray eyes with his other hand. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and we began walking.

We walked into the little sandwich place and stood in line until it was our turn. A few people stared I’m assuming trying to figure out if that were really Trevor James. He chatted with a few of them politely then would turn back to me and grin. When we reached the counter I ordered a turkey poboy on white bread with just about everything that could fit in it. Trevor ordered a grilled shrimp poboy that looked amazing. Halley had told me before they had these stuffed pistolettes that were to die for but I didn’t feel like trying one. We ate and made small talk about nothing in particular really. I made him look at something on the wall and stole a shrimp. He caught me and I began laughing I can’t believe he fell for that one. It was the oldest trick in the book. I am usually scared of talking and eating at the same time for fear of spitting food at people’s faces. I did not want to spit food at Trevor but so far so good I had managed to keep all my food in my mouth.

We were finishing our meal when he asked, "Where to now? We could go sit at the park around the corner if you want. We can walk there, save gas." He winked and tried to be all suave but I saw right through that act.

"Sure, we can do that. We can drive though I doubt it wastes that much gas to go around the corner." I stifled a laugh to lighten my comment. Gary didn’t need to see my car around; I wasn’t ready for the consequences that were bound to come with it. This was only lunch but I wasn’t looking to open something I wasn’t ready for.

"What can I say; I just want to hold your hand Macy. You blame me for trying?" He attempted to sound serious then he starting laughing. "Come on let’s take a walk."

Reluctantly I got up and he grabbed my hand and we began our walk. I swore silently I would kill him if my car was spotted. There was not a single cloud in the sky. Just the sun shining in the perfect blue sky. The birds were flying and I even saw an airplane pass. The temperature was perfect for a little stroll. The humidity wasn’t that bad either so honestly I didn’t mind walking. That was always a plus down here. The humidity usually sucked and as a result there were many bad hair days, and well really hot air. On those hot days I’d rather stay inside than risk going outside and suffocating. We passed several families with children, I watched as they walked hand in hand laughing and carrying on. The children were excited to go feed the ducks and were pulling on their parents’ arms as they got closer and closer. They took turns tossing pieces of bread into the water and laughed as the ducks swam up to eat it. It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen and I couldn’t help but smile and at the same time be upset that I had all that stolen from me. Every happy memory I had from my childhood I had pushed far in the back of my mind. Some I’d even forgotten by this point in my life. Maybe one day if I stopped being so stubborn I could have all that again with someone of my own. Oh well, you live and you learn and I wasn’t going to let old memories take away the little bit of happiness that had entered my life in the form of Trevor.

We walked to an empty bench and sat down. He never let go of my hand. Inside Copyright 2016 - 2024