Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,18

unless you want to come just to hang out, take a break and relax kiddo."

Relaxing sounded amazing right now. My brain and body needed it big time. "You sure Uncle Gary?"

"Yes Macy. You need a break too." His voice paused then he began talking again with a slightly different tone in his voice. "Your mom called me this morning."

I stood silent as I listened to what he just said. My eyes stung with tears that I refused to let fall. He didn’t call just to thank me again for covering him last night. There was always an ulterior motive. "What'd she want?" I asked rather flatly.

"Just said she hasn't talked to you in a while and misses you."

If she missed me she could pick up a phone. I never called her because I had nothing to say to her. It'd been six months since we'd spoken. Yes, I've kept count. And she still didn't believe a word I said. No many how many times I told her. The story never changed it was the same story word for word every time I talked to her and she didn’t believe me. She never would. "Oh. Well I’ll call her soon."

He knew as well as I did that was a pure lie. There was no truth behind that sentence; I just said it to say it. "Look kiddo I know all of that was fucked up and I still can't believe she thinks the way she does..."

I cut him off and a few tears fell down my cheeks. "He came in my room for a year!! He didn't always get what he wanted but he violated me. He took everything away from me and she fucking believed him!" I suddenly realized I was screaming and I prayed Halley and Marcus were back in her room and couldn't hear. She knew already but Marcus didn't need to. He had no reason to know anything about my past. Him knowing would make him being here too uncomfortable to me.

Uncle Gary's voice softened as he replied," I know Mace, and I'm sorry. I thank God every day you called me when you did and we got you out of there. If anything I wish you would have called sooner but the most important thing is you got away."

Tears were flowing now. Great I needed to fix this before I saw Trevor. No one likes a tear stained face. "I know Uncle Gary. Thank you."

"I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to upset you in any way Macy. Relax today kiddo don't show up at the bar." He chuckled and I couldn't help but smile.

"Ok I will and it’s ok I shouldn’t have overreacted. Love you Uncle Gary."

"Love you too kiddo."

With that I hung up the phone and finished draining what tears were still at bay waiting to fall. After a minute or two, I fixed my face and smiled in the mirror. I am a bright, beautiful woman. Nothing or no one can bring me down anymore or ever again. I opened my bedroom door and when I didn't see Hales or Marcus, I dashed out the front door leaving that previous conversation behind.

I plugged my IPod in during my brief ride. It wasn’t that long but it was long enough to hear a song or two from Breaking Benjamin. I sang along as I pulled into where I was meeting Trevor. I parked my Honda Civic to where if Uncle Gary went to The Lounge anytime soon he wouldn’t be able to see it. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks were still a little puffy from crying but hopefully Trevor wouldn’t notice. I opened my door and before I could walk two feet I noticed Trevor standing by the entrance with a sexy grin on his face. He wore a worn pair of jeans that fit him perfectly and a vintage Guns N Roses tee that clung in all the right places. His messy hair hung just almost covering his eyes like always. This boy was going to be the end of me if I didn’t keep my guard up. I took a deep breath as I slowly approached him. It was now or never.

He reached out for my hand. Part of me hesitated but I placed my hand in his and he brought it immediately up to his lips and placed a kiss there. I felt my face flush several shades of red and tried to turn my head away. He Copyright 2016 - 2024