Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,17

making him possibly mad. I looked in the mirror. In my opinion I've become a strong, beautiful, independent woman. I’d taken that part of me back and no one would ever take it again. I wondered if my mom would be proud of me now. She probably wouldn't recognize me; unfortunately I'd recognize her a mile away. I got in the shower and let the hot water wash away all my pain. Trevor could oversee my past if he really even wanted to be with me right? Who was I kidding of course he wanted to be with me. The kiss said it all, I’m sure of that. My luck he wouldn't even call.

I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my hair and my body. Quickly I dried off and threw a pair of jeans on and a plain black fitted tee. I made my way into the kitchen where Halley and Marcus were drinking their coffee.

"Morning guys." I halfway made an attempt at a cheery greeting that worked for me.

Halley replied, "Morning what's going on today?" Marcus just smiled and continued to drink his coffee. He didn't seem to be a huge morning person or at least that’s what Halley has told me. Clearly I see what she meant.

"Ah, I'm not sure. I may venture into town today for a little." She looked like she was thinking of possibly joining me but I quickly added, "Alone. I may go see Gary, I'm not sure yet. I just want to do something." Secrets were seeming to become a normal part of my life these past few days and I didn’t like it but I was only doing what I felt was necessary right now.

A look of disappointment shown on her face. I hated lying to her but I couldn’t tell her yet. I needed to see that Trevor and I could hang out just fine alone. "Oh ok, we'll probably hang around here, that ok Marcus?"

He looked at her and grinned, "Sure babe, whatever you want to do." He leaned in and kissed her on her cheek. She turned to meet his lips and to keep me from puking and losing my orange juice I had earlier I smiled and went back into my room, quickly.

I began drying my hair when the phone went off. I held my breath and picked it up. A message from Trevor stared at me. It read, "We still on for today?"

Instantly beaming I replied, "Yeah, what time?"

He replied just as quick with, "I was hoping to grab lunch? Can I pick you up at 11:30?"

No he most certainly could not pick me up. Halley had no idea we were hanging out and I had no intention of sharing that fact with her. She would try to tag along and that would just make it even more awkward than it already would be. The thought of offering to get him crossed my mind but I wasn't sure if he was one of those guys who disliked having a woman chauffeur them around and really he lived not far from us so it wasn’t a big deal. Surely, I didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes, not this early anyway. "No, I can meet you. Just say where."

I had just finished placing my hair in a ponytail when he replied, "The new sandwich place by The Lounge?"

"K, sounds good. See ya there."

"See you soon Mace...."

My heart cut several cartwheels and I started to take my hair out of the ponytail and actually fix it. No, we weren't going on a date; this was just two friends that just happened to have kissed hanging out. We were just going to eat lunch. We weren’t planning our whole lives out today. Ponytail it is. I applied a little make up and threw some earrings on. I glanced at the clock. It was close enough to 11; I was ready to leave before I talked my way out of this and stayed home.

Uncle Gary's number popped up on my phone as I began to walk out my room. I stepped back in and answered.


"Hey Macy, I just wanted to thank you for last night. I really appreciated it. I know I’d told you but I forgot myself and I didn’t know if you did."

"No problem, like I texted you everything went fine."

"Well the band isn't playing tonight, they have the night off and I am pretty much guessing it’s going to be a quiet night so Copyright 2016 - 2024