Needing Happily Ever After - Elena Aitken Page 0,71

we’re actually—”

“Don’t tell me.” Faith interrupted her. “You’re on the Eiffel Tower right now, aren’t you? Take so many—”

“We’re actually just at the hospital.” Hope interrupted her. “But I don’t want you to worry, Faith. It’s—”

“Hospital?” Faith sat up in her chair. “What the hell, Hope? Are you okay?”

“I am,” she said quickly. “Honestly, I am. I was just feeling really tired and a little weak so we wanted to get my levels checked out and make sure everything was okay, so they ran a few tests, that’s all.”

She knew it had been a bad idea for Hope to go traveling instead of having the surgery that would get rid of her uterine cancer. Her sister was rolling the dice with her life, trying to have a baby before seeking the treatment she needed, and it made Faith crazy. And now…she was in the hospital thousands of miles away. It was definitely not okay.

“You need to come home, Hope. Don’t know if being over there is—”

“I’m fine.” She interrupted Faith again. “Honestly. Levi is taking good care of me.” She laughed. “In fact, he’s probably more of a pain in the ass than you are about making sure I’m eating and sleeping. I’m in good hands.”

That was probably true and even though Faith would have liked to be the one making sure her sister was taking care of herself, she knew that Levi loved her just as much. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

Still, she was going to protest again when she heard the sounds of the DJ inside the barn getting ready to announce the first dance. “Okay,” Faith finally relented. “I’ll trust Levi to take care of you. But let me know when you get the test results back, okay?”

“I promise. I love you, Faith. Now get back to that wedding. And give them both a hug from us.”

Katie and Damon had just taken to the dance floor by the time Faith made her way inside. She leaned up against a wooden pillar to watch the dance that, from the very second the music started, was arguably one of the most romantic she’d ever seen. There was no mistaking the love they had for each other.

“It almost makes you wish it were you, right?” Logan slipped an arm around her and pulled her close.

Were they really that comfortable with each other now?

Instinctively, she pulled away and crossed her arms.

“Whoa.” Logan chuckled. “You’re either still mad at me for being against all this at the beginning, or—and I think this is more likely—you’re still not ready to admit you’re in to me.”

She glared at him. “I am not in to you.”

It was a lie and they both knew it.

“If you say so.” Logan shrugged and focused on the couple on the dance floor.

She watched his face for a moment as he watched his little sister with her new husband. It was nice to see him more relaxed with the idea of Damon and Katie together, particularly after the way things had gone down. Judging by the smile on his face, he’d obviously come to terms with it, too.

“It was really nice of you to help out, Logan,” Faith blurted. “I know you weren’t happy with the whole thing.”

He half turned so he could still keep an eye on the dance floor while he answered her. “I wasn’t,” he started. “But I could see it, too.”

“See what?”

“Their love,” he answered simply. “And I may not have the most experience with this kind of stuff, but I’m not completely dead inside.” The comment stung, but he didn’t seem to notice. “They’re perfect for each other, and…well, what’s the point of fighting that? Especially when they’re so happy?”

She nodded and looked at him in wonder. Never in a million years would she have thought that Logan Langdon was a closet romantic. If Logan could see past his own hardness to appreciate love, then maybe there was still hope for her. Could there be hope for her and Log—

“Not everyone is a love ’em and leave ’em type like you, Faith.”

She recoiled at his comment, warm thoughts vanished. “Pardon?”

He turned and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m just saying, it does kind of seem to be your MO, doesn’t it?” Before she could answer, he added, “At least the other guy got close enough to you to be left. I can’t even get that far.”

“What?” She bristled. “The other guy?”

His smile was completely gone now. “Yeah, the guy you left in Copyright 2016 - 2024