Needing Happily Ever After - Elena Aitken Page 0,70

his feet, and pulled her into his arms before pressing his lips to hers in the kiss he’d been dying to give her since he’d seen her.

When they finally pulled apart, he kissed her again. And then again.

Chapter Twenty

Faith took in a deep breath of the fresh spring air. The noise from inside filtered out to her and made her smile, but she was happy to have a break from the festivities, even if it was just for a few minutes, to compose herself and regroup.

It was days like this one that made Faith miss her sister so much her chest ached.

Had she handled things okay? Should she have lied to Katie the way she had? Should she have… The shoulds threatened to actually drive her crazy. Which was ridiculous, because it had all worked out okay. More than okay. Damon and Katie were desperately in love—something everyone else had seen for years—and finally they both saw it and they were married.

Sure, there’d been a few hiccups—massive understatement—but it had all turned out beautifully in the end. The reception had been in full swing for just over an hour. People were fed, they were drinking and laughing, and the dance would start soon.

There’d been no further issues.

Still. Faith knew Hope would have handled things so much better. She probably would have noticed right away that things weren’t what they seemed. It never would have gotten so far. She was always on top of everything, so organized, and so aware of people. Faith didn’t have those skills. She’d always been the self-centered one. The one who only thought about herself. Her twin sister had gotten all of the selfless traits. Among others.

Faith sat in one of the wrought-iron chairs that were primarily used for decoration and pulled her phone out. No doubt Hope and Levi were in the middle of a grand adventure over in Europe, living their best life while they waited for the happy news that they were finally pregnant, the perfect complement to the love the two of them shared.

Faith couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy but she couldn’t determine where it had come from. Was it the fact that Hope was out traveling the world while she was stuck in Glacier Falls, planning weddings? Was it that she was trying for a baby? Or was it the love she had with Levi?

It was ridiculous for her to feel jealousy for any of those things. She’d never wanted any of them. Except maybe travel…but love, marriage, and a baby?

Oh hell, no.


She pressed the button that would dial her sister. If she was in the middle of something, too bad. Faith needed her.

Hope answered on the first ring.

“Hey. What’s up?” Her voice instantly soothed Faith the way only a twin sister could. “Is everything okay?”

Faith laughed. “It is. And you’ll never believe it when I tell you about it.”

She spent the next few minutes filling Hope in on the details and when she was done, Hope exhaled hard. “Damn, Faith. You nailed it. Good job.”

“I don’t think I can take all of the credit. Logan was super helpful.”

“He was? That’s good to hear.”

There was a tone in her sister’s voice that Faith made a distinct point to ignore. She had enough mixed feelings about the man, feelings that had only grown even more confusing as she’d watched him work so hard for his sister’s wedding. A wedding he’d been so dead set against at the beginning. Maybe love really did get to everyone in the end?

“I’ll admit,” she continued, “I had my reservations about the two of you working together, but to hear he’s been helpful…that makes me feel better.”

Sure, he’d been helpful. Helpful in stirring up feelings in her that should have stayed buried forever. Helpful in distracting her from her mission to never let herself care about anyone else.

She shook her head from the thought. “I wish you’d been here, Hope,” she said honestly. “You would have known what to—”

“Don’t do that.” Her sister cut her off. “You’re more than capable of handling this. And by the sounds of it, you more than proved it. You need to give yourself more credit. Really.”

Faith nodded. “Maybe you’re right. I’ll try to enjoy myself a little.”


“I miss you right now,” Faith said honestly a moment later. “What are you guys doing? You’re probably getting ready to have some amazing lunch at a cafe in Paris or something, right?”

Hope laughed a little. “Well, that would be hard since Copyright 2016 - 2024