Needing Happily Ever After - Elena Aitken Page 0,72

the city when you came back here. Nothing serious there either, right?”

Noah. He was talking about Noah. Leaving him hadn’t been easy, but Noah had known the deal, too. Nothing serious. She didn’t do relationships. She’d never led anyone on. She’d always been straightforward. She wasn’t going to change.

“I don’t need to explain anything to you, Logan.” She turned away and looked back to the dance floor, but Logan wasn’t done.

“No,” he said. “You don’t. And I know, you were pretty clear with how you felt about everything.” She turned to look at him again. “But I think you’re full of shit. In fact, I think this whole little I don’t love anyone act that you have going on is just that—one big act.” His lips curled up into a cocky grin that was equal parts deadly and infuriating. “And I intend to prove it.”

He turned and left, making his way onto the dance floor right as the family dances started, so smoothly, Faith was left dumbfounded in his wake. What the hell was he talking about? Prove what? Damn, he made her blood boil. He always had. It had been a mistake letting those feelings of annoyance turn into anything else.

Especially desire.

She closed her eyes and gave herself a moment to compose herself. She needed to clear her mind. She still had a wedding to coordinate. She didn’t have time to think about Logan or what feelings she may or may not have. She scanned the room and her gaze landed on Brody standing by the kitchen door, looking out into the room. But he wasn’t watching the festivities; his gaze was locked on one person in particular.


Faith couldn’t help but smile.

Clearly, she was starting to be affected by all this wedding and forever after hoopla.

She moved silently and quickly to the other side of the room. “Dinner was fantastic, Brody. Everyone was impressed. And doing it so quickly like that? I owe you.”

“It was my pleasure, and you definitely don’t owe me.” He nodded but didn’t look at her for a moment. Finally, he turned. “It’s a beautiful wedding. They all are. It makes you think, doesn’t it?”

“Does it?” Faith took a step back before looking across the room to where Sarah was watching the dances continue. “Is there something you’re not telling me, Brody?”

“No, no.” Brody laughed. “Not at all. But look at this.” Brody dug into his pocket and held out the most beautiful ruby ring she’d ever seen.


“Do you think she’ll like it?”

“Sarah? Of course. But, are you going to—“

“Oh my God, no!” Brody exclaimed when he realized what Faith was thinking. “It’s just a gift. My mom sent it with a box full of things that used to belong to my grandmother and…well, I just thought…”

Faith raised her eyebrows. “You thought what?”

“I thought Sarah would like it. She was the first person I thought of when I saw it. Ruby is Rory’s birthstone and—”

“She’ll love it.” Faith grinned at him. “And I think you two will make a super cute couple.”

“Couple?” He shook his head. “We’re just friends, Faith.”

Friends. Right.

She smiled and didn’t bother pushing it as she watched him disappear back into the kitchen. One day the two of them would realize they were more than just friends. Really, if she of all people could see it, surely they’d figure it out soon?

Faith laughed. She didn’t even recognize herself thinking about love so much. This wedding business was definitely getting to her.

Feeling a little outside of herself, she once more turned to survey the room.

It felt as though everyone was falling prey to this whole love charade.

Was everyone around her going crazy?

Or was it her? Was she missing something?

She needed a drink.

Faith was just about to go in search of a glass of champagne, or more likely, something stronger, when her phone chirped with an incoming text message.

It was Hope.

The test results.

Anxiously, she pulled her phone free from her pocket.

Test results are in….I’m pregnant!

I hope you enjoyed Ever After Ranch and Katie and Damon’s love story. There is a lot more love in store, including a second chance at love for single mom, Sarah and sexy chef, Brody coming next in Wanting Happily Ever After. Read on for a special sneak peek!

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