Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,20

a plaid skirt and crop top, I throw them on. Not at all missing the irony of the outfit. Gripping my sexy black Kate Spade stiletto’s, I pray neither of them are arguing.

Oli got off lucky in his punishment for his actions. He only has to clean up the mess and any graffiti around the school. He was relieved when I told him that after school.

“So this is why the easy punishment, huh?” I hear my brother’s voice as I make my way downstairs.

“Not really.” Jack says and I can picture his relaxed frame on the sofa in my mind. “Those punk ass shits needed a lesson in manners.” He laughs.

“What’s the deal with Eady then?” Oli asks in his best protective brother tone. Carson always told him when I started bringing boys around it’d be up to him to make sure they were good enough for me. I bet neither figured the man I finally brought home would be twenty years my senior.

Holy shit. I hadn’t thought about that before. What if I’m some sort of mid-life crisis for him? I don’t know if I could handle that.

“She’s mine.” I can hear the shrug in his tone but also the possessive note.

“Yours?” Oli speculates as I listen from behind the wall.

“That’s what I said. Mine.” I want to sigh at his words, but I bite my tongue to stay quiet, interested in this odd conversation.

“She’s flighty you know.”

Flighty? I’m not flighty. My head is firmly on my shoulders.

“How do you figure?” Jack asks, curiosity in his tone now.

It takes a second for my jerk brother to answer. “She has big dreams.”

“Nothing wrong with that.”

“She enjoys dancing at the club. It keeps her grounded.”

It does?

“Where are you getting all this insight kid?” Lord I love his deep voice.

“My parents. They said Eady is just like them. That they wouldn’t be surprised if she wound up travelling the world one day.” When did they say this? And what the heck gave them that impression?

“Oh yeah. Means we’ll be having a lot of around the world—”

“Dude! No. Gross. I don’t want to hear that. Just don’t break her heart. Eady is the best person I know.”

“That she is kid. That she is.”

“Um, hi.” I finally poke around the wall to see Jack sitting just how I pictured him and Oli standing in front of the window. “I’m ready to go.”

Oli’s face scrunches in disgust as he sees what I’m wearing.

Jack’s eyes darken and his sweats tighten as he stands to get a complete picture.

“Get the fuck outta here kid.” He tells Oli without looking away.

“You’re a principal, can you talk like that?” Oli laughs a little as leaves the room.

“We ain’t in school, I’ll do as I please.” He mutters. “Or who I please.” Those words were only loud enough for me to hear. “Fuck are you sexy.”

Swaying towards him, I place my hands on his wide shoulders, rubbing softly as I purr in his ear, “Thank you Mr. Daily.”

He drags me closer to his body. “Hey kid!” I stop moving as I hear my brother coming back. “Here’s a hundred bucks, get the fuck gone.” My eyes widen as he tosses some bills to by brother.

“Sweet!” The front door slams a moment later and suddenly we’re alone.

“What happened to your car?” I giggle as he slides a hand under my skirt.

“No fucking panties. Sweet Jesus baby.” He groans as he drops back onto the couch. “The car can wait, I need that pussy now.” His hand wraps around the back of my thigh and pulls me forward so I collapse onto his lap.

“Oh!” I gasp as he positions me just how he wants.

Legs spread wide open for him, my bare pussy is rubbing along his hardness as he lifts my top to reveal my naked breasts. “Fuck me. Do you ever wear underwear woman?”

“No.” I shrug a shoulder and he growls as he attacks my nipple, sucking it sharply into his mouth. “Mmm.” I breathe out as I grip a fistful of his hair this time.

I grab his free hand and place it between my legs. So many times, I’ve imagined his huge hands down there, petting me like his kitten and now that I’ve finally got him, I need it.

Like the pulsing beat in my veins, I crave everything Jack can do for me. For us.

“I don’t want to hear a single fucking sound from you, got it.” His snarl is harsh.

I only nod my head. Thoroughly enjoying this more Copyright 2016 - 2024